Maybe we should’ve done a little polling or at least a few focus groups before we decided to try short shorts at the Big Dig.
Everybody has been yakking about it since last Saturday: Chicago Trib, InStyle, HuffPo (of course).
Most come down on the side of MO having every right to bare her “glamorous gams” (thanks,InStyle). I think I will have to take credit for those comments. They undoubtedly saw her when I was refracting her svelte image, using all of my battery back-ups.
The snarky little bitches who said things like “makes her look like a Coleman tent in heat” - what ever that’s supposed to mean - and “big ass, huge thighs, no shorts. Period." must have been standing at some weird angle where my trans-imaging system didn’t project. We’re still working on that universal coverage issue, please be patient.