A lot of things swirling around Big MO this week. After a short hiatus, we’ve been in the news almost every day!
First the announcement that the neighbors back in the Chicago ‘hood are putting their house up for sale. It’s right next door, so I don’t see why Lady M doesn’t just buy it for extra closet space. We can’t live here for ever. I mean, can we? Here’s a pic:
That’s our little bungalow right next door, to the left. The Grimshaw’s, who are selling their house talked to reporters on Monday:
As for living next to a sitting president, Jacky didn't sound too enthused.
"It's an advantage not having him here, because the security increases tenfold. It's challenging and really disrupts the neighborhood," Jacky said to CNBC reporters this morning.
I have just a teeny bit of advice: if you want to sell the place, quit bitching about the Secret Service detail and hassles. It’s going to be hard enough to dump this elephant.
On Wednesday afternoon, MO hosted a party for the Olympics and Paralympics on the South Lawn of the White House. This was great, after that little misunderstanding on the Jay Leno show last fall, when people thought Big Guy was making fun of the Paralympians.
Here he is with MO, laughing at them again. It’s ok now. He won.
Next, we had the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute's 32nd Annual Awards Gala at the Washington Convention Center. Wow! Loved those big purple balloon-y things. Looks a lot like the Copa Cabana. That’s why Lady M went with the understated black sequins.
I’ve never seen so many of those little umbrella drinks in every shade of fuchsia you can imagine. This is where Big Guy told everyone in attendance not to worry, he didn’t really plan on cutting them out of the free healthcare bill. We’re all going to be amigos!
Is it just me, or do you think Big Guy is starting to look a little bit like Putin? It was probably just the umbrella drinks. (His. I don’t imbibe while on duty.)
Then there was Market Day, but I’ve already told you about that. Only here’s a little picture that slipped out of MO in her “blue sweater and gray slacks” that some amateur photographer took while I wasn’t on guard.
Don’t worry, they’ll never work in this town as long as the Obama’s are in power. But I just wanted to show you what I do for the American People, every day of my life.
We also had a sad duty on Thursday. We had to present the Presidential medal of honor to the parents of U.S. Army Sergeant First Class Jared C. Monti who was killed in Afghanistan in June 2006. For what it’s worth, I advised MO against wearing this dress. Pattern, style, all inappropriate. The O’s still don’t seem to get the whole war thing.
Friday: back in our comfort zone. Preaching the “Softer-side of Obamacare. It was such a complete success. I really think the ruffles and belts did the trick.
I know people have been calling this Lady M’s “bondage” look, but I think it’s just fine. Well, ok maybe we cinched it up just a bit too tight.
Sometimes that pinching is what makes people think MO looks mean. She’s not. She’s just in pain.
I don’t think that’s what she meant, though, when she told the audience that women are sometimes “crushed by healthcare.
Pundit & Pundette linked. Thanks!