Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Oprah, D-Oprah

Boy oh boy. I don’t think Lady M liked the idea of BFF Oprah inviting Sarah Palin in for a sit-down on the couch one little bit. She hasn’t actually said anything about it, but after watching it on the DVR when she got home last night, things started whizzing around the family quarters like flying saucers. I haven’t done this much ducking and bobbing since … well, lets just leave it at that.


I did overhear MO grumbling to Big Guy awhile ago that she thinks SARAH-4 Oprah is really cheesed over that whole embarrassing Olympics incident in Copenhagen, and blames Lady M because of her inappropriate choice of clothes!? (OK, I suppose it could have had something to do with that psychedelic panda print.) I’m just guessing about this little feud, because I can’t always follow the logic of the two O’s, but I think MO thinks Oprah is just chatting up Sarah about her new book to get back at Lady M for making her look bad. 

That’s pretty much what life is like around here 24/7. The two O’s think it’s always about them.”sarah oprah

I thought I might be making too much of this simmering feud until I found this magazine in Lady M’s stack of stuff. I’m pretty sure Joey B didn’t do it, although he is a bad influence around here. Especially if we’re dealing with “the hormones.”

o-mag-march-092 copy