Friday, January 22, 2010

Reflections on Sundance



Downtown Park City

Gosh! You would think I’d be used to being around celebrities by now. But it’s good to know that I haven’t grown jaded being around the biggest rock stars on the planet 24/7. It’s still exciting being here in Park City with all of the other top tier stars.

Like last night for example, at the movie premier for Howl:

howl cast

Bob Balaban, James Franco, John Hamm, David Strathairn and Treat Williams (Park City Resident) stand together at the premiere of "Howl" on Thursday at the Eccles Theater in Park City.

Notice anything? Besides the fact that they’re all guys?  Except for David, who’s apparently not been here before and didn’t get the memo, everyone’s wearing black. It’s apparently mandatory here, especially if you’re not a real celebrity. The locals call them PIBS, people(s) in black.  I think Lady M would make a great PIB, or, in her case FLIB – first lady in black. I did a quick run through my hard drive, and I’m going to say Lady M would fit right in here with the rest of these pseudo celebs.

 85799652_10 michelle-obama-black-dress1

Above, we’re practicing on the red carpet

PERFECT PIB michelle obama wearing a tom binns necklace

Footwear flexibility is critical in dressing black


Accessorizing the basic black is crucial. With red I mean.


Does Lady M look like a natural to accept an Oscar, or what?

Anyway, Raj and I went to a movie last night: Howl. I’m not sure I really got it, probably because I don’t get out very often and I’m not as sophisticated as the other movie fans – whoops, I mean film aficionados. They don’t call them movies here, even though they sell popcorn. Here’s my quick “film” review of Howl:

Poet who doesn’t know how to rhyme,

Pines for socialist world of ribald grime.

Feels America’s role in a world of conformity

reflects society’s plunge into complete deformity .

His poems assume we invented materialism,

Which no doubt explains our wicked imperialism.

His talent he felt golden,  just like Kerouac’s – Jack.

But in truth he was more of a pathetic hack.

I’m probably not the right person to ask, though.  I didn’t even know who Allen Ginsberg was until last night. I thought he used to run the Federal Reserve. Now I understand he was some big time beat poet. I still don’t think he’s that hot. If you want to see a real reader of beat poetry, check this out. Now we’re talking art. (be sure to watch it all the way to the end, or you’ll never forgive yourself.)

I have to go get some more anti-fog spray now. We’re expecting another 2 feet of snow tonight, and I don’t want my lenses steamed up in case I run into some A-listers.

For a “reel” review of Howl, check out my pal Dewey’s take.