Following the very effective health care summit, Big Guy showed up last night to honor another bunch of entertainers.
He was presenting the 2009 National Medal of Arts and National Humanities Medal. Here are his opening remarks:
THE PRESIDENT: Thank you, everybody. Please have a seat. (Applause.) I'm sorry I'm a little late. (Laughter.) I had this thing I had to do. (Laughter.)
Oh the Big Guy! Isn’t he something? “ I had dis ting I had to do. ‘Cuz we have, ya know, our family has dis ting we have to do? And we had to put sum muscle on it, ya know?” Ha,ha. Big Guy – quite the entertainer himself. He brought the house down.
Anyway, after all these months, I can finally answer your questions about “what on earth was Mo thinking when she wore a cocktail mess of a dress to a Medal of Awards ceremony for U.S. Army fallen hero Jared Monti?” last September.
I hate to point fingers, but MO’s highly paid and equally incompetent social secretary (you remember DesirĂ©e, right?) misinformed Lady M as to the nature of the event: she thought it was an awards ceremony for the Arts, rather than a real awards ceremony for a true war hero. So alright, all of you who kept saying she “could not possibly have had a clue to show up at a solemn event looking like that” were right. Are you happy now? Mistakes were made, we just have to move on.
Speaking of which, look who was here last night? One of the O’s faves: Sarah Jessica, looking hot.
See that perfectly fitted red sheath style dress? Just so you know, when Lady M looks in my special refraction lens, this is what she thinks she sees, although I rely on her other little people to fix her up so she doesn’t really looks like this:
Sometimes our little people let us down
But tonight she looked divine in her violet polka-dot dress by Jason Wu, paired with a single strand of delicate pearls. She also wore the same outfit earlier in the day to meet with Mexico’s First Lady, Margarita Zavala de Calderon (no relation to THOSE Calderon’s)
The two chatted about obesity, diabetes, addictions and the situation of undocumented Mexican minors in the United States. Margarita is also a well educated, professional woman - being an attorney and former member of the Mexican Legislture - with a handsome young family.
But as you can see, she’s no match for the marvelous MO in the fashion department. Which explains why Lady M was named to French Elle’s best dressed list and Lady Margarita was only a runner up on El Toro’s hottie list.