Here’s confirmation: Lady M is a bona fide fashion icon. Look, here’s Beyoncé emulating all of her signature styles.
above (bad looking) knees, check
bare (bad looking) legs, check
accented junk in the trunk, check, and check
multiple sparkly bracelets, check
big dangly earrings, check
fashion forward open toed shoes, check
Keep it up Beyonce, and maybe you, too can be FLOTUS some day. Keep your eye out for an intelligent, articulate socialist to hook up with and you are golden, babe. Might I suggest Sean Penn? I know he’s not black, but some of his best friends are people of color.
He does seem to have that chauffeur thing going on, but that’s probably because he’s from Hollywood and used to all that deference and fawning adulation. That, and the fact that he thinks people who call a dictator a dictator should be put in jail, makes him a natural for the Big White.
So, give it a thought, B. I think we might have a couple of openings here in about 3 years. And I would love to reflect that booty of yours.