A quick catch-up on our week: Monday Lady M went to give a little pep talk to the nation’s school lunch directors. In a demonstration of solidarity with MO’s No Fat Child’s Behind program, they were in constant motion. It was nearly a record: 25 minute speech and 24 minutes of applause - much of it standing O’s. The room looked like it was filled with Jack-in-the-boxes. (Which are, of course, banned from school lunch programs.)
I’m not sure why they treated her like a rock star; all she did was tell them that she knew how hard their jobs were, especially with the paltry amount of money they were given to do it with. So she’s going to fix all that by making sure they all get a lot more money.Somebody was heard off stage shouting “who pays!?, but they finally dragged Senator Bunning back to the Capital.
Lady M wore her Pepto Pink orgami gown, accented with a vintage brooch for the occasion.
Then yesterday, it was off to the Library of Congress to celebrate Dr. Seuss’s birthday: he would have been 106!. Almost as old as Nancy Pelosi.
Argyle, boob belt, pearls: what could go wrong?
It was a kickoff of the National Education Association’s Read Across America campaign.
Trust me; Lady M knows better than ANYONE how important reading is.