Today’s discussion topic: POTUS and FLOTUS outer-wear.
First, POTUS.
Members Only jackets: OK for tyrants from the Middle East visiting New York to discuss Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaties while “secretly” building nuclear warheads.
… but perhaps a questionable choice for a U.S. President addressing unprecedented environmental disasters from behind a podium, with speech in notebook. (Apparently it was too damp for TOTUS.)
Big Guy in New Orleans. Why does this look so weird?
Oh yeah, the ad copy is missing:
Now, let’s move on to Lady M. We all know how she favors her signature J Crews. Here’s an example of how other royals wear this look:
Here we have Dutch princess Maxima wearing a cardigan thrown over a casual dress for a bike ride through the grounds of Castle Duivenvoorde near the Hague with Crown Prince Willem-Alexander.
If one must wear boob belts and cardigans… ( and I’m not saying that anyone does)
Looks neat, casual, appropriate, plus it fits. And the bike: a pretty good idea for moving those fat behinds.
Now, simply for education, here are a few examples of cardigan looks that might benefit from further consideration in the future, even if you aren’t the FLOTUS.
And the number one way you do not want to wear a casual cardigan to a formal event: tea with the Queen.
That’s all for today’s lesson. Later, we will discuss the pros and cons of Spanx, as well as its proper placement.