An interesting wardrobe selection for the big summer kickoff of our ‘No Fat Child’s Behinds Games’ on the South Lawn. But at least there were no hula hoops or boob belts:
Walk like a duck, with a kangaroo pouch
I know it looks like we wore our luncheon top with our breakfast workout bottoms, but we were just re-purposing that lovely L’Wren lace sweater and Talbot’s blouse thingy. It really didn’t play as well as we’d hoped the first time around as ‘serious couture.’
But this wasn’t about fashion (obviously). Here are some of the games we came up with to get those fat behinds moving while still having zoodles of fun:
The giant blueberry mind-meld; also an excellent source of antioxidants
Marchin’ for the future Obama Youth Corp(se)
Variation on the mind-meld: Blueberry chin crunches
Funky chicken walk, tubs of KFC await at the finish line
lip workouts; without food – always tricky
Just wanted to get these posted, gotta run now: pre-boarding for Detroit now underway! Hope to do a little live blogging from Motown.