After our triumphant Jackie O moment at the high school graduation Friday morning, for some inexplicable reason we changed our clothes to head over to the Big Labor Department. We just stopped by to mark the 90th anniversary of the establishment of the Women’s bureau, what ever that is. MO seemed to have a better handle on it, commenting that “even after 90 years of hard work, we’ve still got a long way to go.”
Not that we haven’t come a long way, baby, but after checking out this tangerine dream, you’ll probably agree with her remarks.
For a refreshing change of pace all of our accessories matched.
orange-aid adorable child-prop
How did this innocent little pawn know about the secret color code? Some one must have tweeted it out. When we locate the source of the leak, you better believe we’re gonna plug it.
Lady M also shared this earth shattering news with the Big Labor crowd:
Still, she said women who choose to both work and have families still face a “daily juggling act” in the struggle to balance their obligations.
“They feel like they’re burning the candle at both ends and at the middle,”
Which was helpful information for all the women in the audience, who’ve been wondering why they were so tired all the time.
Later in her remarks, she quoted an early bulletin from the Women’s Bureau which read in part “America will be as strong as her women.”
We can only hope so.
Maybe Big Guy should call a meeting with this group of ladies. I’m betting they could tell him whose butt to kick. And show him a thing or two about how to go about it.