Day 57, and still no rest. OK it was really day 59 – but who’s counting?
Big Guy took the Wee Wons to a Sox-Nationals game last night. He did not rest however. See? He’s taking phone calls. This one was actually Lady M, who was previously indisposed, telling him not to let the girls have anything to eat that would give them fat behinds.
Bo and the Wee Wons tried to act like they were enjoying the game.
Lady M sent me along to the game to make sure we don’t see any more of those scowly-face frown pictures of Big Guy: electric smiles only. Oh, and notice: no Mom-jeans this time. We’re going all tight and manly. Don’t tell anybody, but BO’s trying to emulate GWB.
Now he wants me to reflect a huge belt buckle.
I probably should have accompanied Big Guy to Columbus too. He was there to promote our 10,000th Stimulus Road Work project - paid for by you! Thanks, American taxpayers!
As reported by the NYT:
For all the talk of “shovel-ready” infrastructure projects when the stimulus first passed, construction projects made up a comparatively small slice of the package, and many required considerable administrative spade work — planning, permitting and contracting — before actual dirt could be turned….
Now that the long-promised “road work ahead” is here, in big numbers, the question is whether voters will warm to the stimulus.
I don’t know about “other voters,” but I can tell you that on my last cross country road trip with Raj it seemed like we hit all 10,000 of those stimulus projects. That doesn’t necessarily translate to warm and fuzzy feelings towards Big Guy.
We didn’t get any more of those scary facial contortion headshots in the Columbus shoot, but unfortunately Big Guy does still appear to be shrinking – and now he seems to be taking other Americans down with him.
Follow the yellow brick road. It leads to Oz. Oh No!
Tiny man on a big, big Airplane. Don’t worry, he’s not flying it.
Could we not have found a smaller flag?
There was a little complaining on the local front about the President’s entourage putting all the construction workers building the new Children’s Hospital (seen in background, above) on furlough for the day due to security restrictions. I guess there were no other spots available along the road project site that could provide such a handsome backdrop for the Presidential photo op. Nevertheless, the trip was a complete success - today we’re announcing another 150 jobs created in Columbus (all of the construction workers have been recalled due to lifting of the security ban).
I’m finally starting to get the hang of Obamanomics.