Thursday, June 3, 2010

Sir Pall: NOT the Cerebral One

I promised I wouldn’t repeat this but, due to popular demand, here’s what Sir Pall said at the love-fest here last night:

“A few minutes after the concert, Mr. McCartney returned to the microphone, thanking the Library of Congress and adding, “After the last eight years, it’s great to have a president who knows what a library is.”

If his implication was that Big Guy, unlike GWB, knows how to read, I can shed some light on that. First, GWB was actually a voracious reader, but mostly he kept it to himself. It was speaking that sometimes tripped him up. Big Guy however – well, he reads every day. And I think we all know by now just how well he can read.


nobel-world readership-watermark copy 

And one last word on Sir Pall – no wonder John was known as the “cerebral one.” And that was a real stretch too.

on drugs This is your brain on drugs

I’m still working on the still images of Lady M and the Wee Wons –it’s just that I’m having a little trouble with all that “draping.” I’m hoping to have something for public release a bit later.