Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Gumby Wore Shoes: On the Moon

I was backing up my hard drive when I noticed these pics scroll by. I didn't even see them last night, butt I just had to post them as confirmation that Lady M does, repeat does, still have feet. And shoes.

gumby shoes-1 Lady M’s Feets: Still On Duty

gumby shoes-2

It’s Those Olive Puppies Again

I still say she’s shrinking, because even with those 4 inch-ers she’s still channeling a Swiffer. I may have to check up on her calcium supplements. I don’t think she’s drinking enough milk.

gunby pants 

After the Broadway review and snacks, Lady M dazzled the crowd with her Tribute to MJ’s Moonwalk. No, not our MOL MJ, Michael Jackson. I wish I could show you the footage, but it’s been classified, along with all of the not-yet-photoshopped photographs from last night. Butt I can show you the original MJ routine MO performed. Please enjoy:

Walking backwards but looking like you’re moving forward: It’s an O-Team specialty.