Ok, so today is a really big day. I know, everybody's celebrating Judge Henry Higgins’ Hudson’s ruling, throwing out Obamacare, butt that’s not what I’m talking about. I’m talking about a little known decision handed down yesterday, making moi a finalist in BigFurHat’s annual PUK Awards!
Wouldn’t that look good on the mantle in my bunker? I’m so excited I could wet my pants, if I wore pants.
My entry is waaaaay down at the bottom of the comments and all messed up. Raj was updating TOTUS and I was so totally on my own, trying to post reflections for the contest. I am the first to admit that I don’t know HTML from Shinola, and I really messed up my entry. Butt despite all that, the guys at iOwnTheWorld picked little old me as one of the 25 finalists!
Now the judging has been handed to Professor William Jacobson of Legal Insurrection and my “Supremacy Clause” lawsuit fame.
I still haven’t gotten my tweet from Professor Jacobson or Megyn Kelly about that lunchie meeting to discuss the status of my suit, butt I know they’ve both been really busy.
According to BFH (BigFurHat):
One winner will be chosen and four runner-ups. The five nominator’s whose pictures are chosen will receive a prize to be named later.
I’ve already heard rumors that somebody is grousing about my “client relationship” with the judge. Let me just say that while I know Professor Jacobson and Megyn Kelly are dying to represent me in my fight for justice, they have not “officially” tweeted confirmation that they are on my legal team, so I’ve got a loophole going for me. Also, BFH has been in this business a while, so unless I miss my guess, “Chicago Rules” apply here, which would eliminate any “client relationship” or other disqualifying issues (such as a residency requirement).
Even if I don’t win, which will make me sad, maybe I’ll at least get “LINKED” by Professor Jacobson. According to his blog “Linking Policy”:
I like to link to people who link to me. Being linked by me is like getting an Instalanche, only smaller.
Clearly, I’ve “linked” to him and I could use a “Legalanche” over here! I rest my case. (Side Note To Professor Jacobson: Please feel free to use my new word “Legalanche” as your own. And don’t think of it as a “gift” or other incentive, offered to influence your PUK Award decision in any way. Unless Chicago Rules are in effect and it helps me.)
So, cross your fingers for me and HOPE that I win!