Lady M was interviewed by WaPo’s Robin Givhan, and she took the opportunity to showcase our new initiative. No, not the “No Child’s Fat Behind” campaign: our new wrist bangles initiative.
For the interview we chose our stack of multi-colored, cultured pearls. (Get it? Multi-culti! That’s why MO loves them. She’s really into irony.)
Anyway, some of our little stylistas told Lady M that nothing shows off toned arms like a wrist full of bling. But let me be clear. We are not, repeat, NOT giving up our world famous boob belts (which MO invented herself, despite what you might read elsewhere). Nor are we abandoning the brooches which have served us so well in our historic first year. I’m just giving you a heads up; you can expect to see a lot more of our lovely wrists, and our bracelet collection, in the future. Nothing really gaudy. Just a simple diamond stack here:
I lost count after two dozen, but with diamonds, who’s counting?
A lovely wrap of (the finest South Sea) pearls there:
some gold: some silver:

a little color:
But back to the interview: it was really designed to discuss the “No Child’s Fat Behind” prog - what? Oh. It’s technically called the “Let’s Move” campaign. But before we get into that I want to show you what we wore for the interview:
But I’ll let Robin describe it for you:
First lady Michelle Obama sits in an upholstered armchair in her East Wing office, a generous bowl of fresh apples on a nearby table. She wears a body-conscious gray sleeveless sheath with an artful corsage of matching fabric decorating the right shoulder.
Well OK, she forgot to mention the bracelet, but she managed to get everything else we wanted her to mention in. She goes on:
The tableau contains all the elements that have defined Obama's time in the White House: youth outreach, distinctive style, healthful food and fitness.
This is really a good article. It’s hard to believe that it was written by the same mean Robin G who used to say such hurtful things about us before she published her Lady M book. So it looks like she’s back on the reservation. If not, she wouldn’t really be here doing this interview, now would she?
The article goes on and on jabbering about all the usual memes: Lady M growing up in South Chicago and spending 20 hours a day exercising healthily until such time as she shifted all of her focus to academics (which are really important too), how all the kids in America are fat, including her own, and why we have to spend $10 billion in order to get them to eat less. I don’t understand that last part, but that’s probably because I didn’t got to Princeton. Or Harvard.
I think Lady M explained how to solve the whole fat kid problem herself when she told Robin:
"If kids are naturally active, they shouldn't have to worry about what they eat. That's how it was when we were growing up. Nobody talked to you about nutrition. You ate your vegetables. You ate what was on your plate. And you went outside and played.”
Could that possibly cost $10 billion? Wow! I think I’m beginning to understand inflation.
We wrapped up the interview with some of Lady M’s reflections on Grammy:
“I didn't see a mother who invested in herself and worked out, went to the hairdresser. My parents sacrificed everything for us. . . Fortunately, I had a mother who taught me through her own failings and could admit, 'This is what I would have done differently.”
I’m sure she meant that in the best way possible, but it makes it sound like maybe Grammy is rethinking having sacrificed everything For MO. I probably just misunderstood, because Grammy’s still here sacrificing everything for Lady M. I told you MO really liked irony.
Oh, and in case you’re wondering: this sheath dress doesn’t exactly fit any better standing up than it does sitting down -
- but it’s nothing that a nice turquoise belt wouldn’t fix.