If you love TV, and who doesn’t, you probably already know that two new shows, in the only 2-episode long new season, have totally been cancelled: ”Lone Star” on Fox and “My Generation” on ABC. Although I never watched either one, it’s bad news for the 6 of you who got hooked on them, butt good news for all girls.
“Why is it good for girls?” you ask, because ABC is rumored to be replacing “My Generation” with a new show about a strong, independent woman, who tossed aside the big money lure of Wall Street and corporate raider law, for a life of public service. Who does that sound like?
Well, no, not Lady M. Not exactly. Butt she is one of my all time heroes:
Kick-ass gorgeous, and kick-ass tough, Wonder Woman, Yes!
Speculation has already begun as to who will snag the starring role. Leading the pack is Angelina Jolie, because of her many tough chick movie roles such as “Laura Croft: Tomb Raider”.

Also in the mix, because of her “performance” in “Transformers”, is Megan Fox.

And finally, rounding out the pack for no reason other than that she is hot, Beyonce Knowles.

If I were making the decision, I would evaluate all the contenders by comparing them to the standard set by the original non-cartoon Wonder Woman, Lynda Carter.

I would also keep my mind open for the possibility of an unknown, walk-on, dark horse candidate.
Let’s begin with temperament and character.
Wonder Woman has to be strong, tough and fearless. Anybody who has raided tombs and fought zombies (Angie), or beaten back a pack of space alien transformers (Megan) gets my nod on that one.
I don’t want to rush to judgment, butt I think we can drop Beyonce out of the running right now. I’m not saying that singers can’t be tough, and we all know that music and a lovely voice hath charms that soothe the savage beast, but it won’t kick its ass.
Now let’s take a closer look at the standard for an analysis of the optics:

Mmm Hmmm, mmm hmmm, mmm hmmm. Ok, I think I’ve got it.
Angie seems to have what it takes,
Megan too...and look, she even dressed up for the part!
I don’t know, maybe it’s just my lingering circuit disruptions, butt i just can’t decide. Or, maybe it’s because there’s someone else, not in the official running, you know, that dark horse, walk-on candidate I’m keeping my mind open for. Someone who, with a little tweak here and a teensy boost there, might be just perfect for the role...