Sunday, March 6, 2011

Mrs. O’s Thank You Note. Winning!

If there’s anyone out there who still doesn’t realize what a “thoughtful” and “down-to-earth” person Lady M is:  here’s proof.


Ms. Mary Tomer over at the Mrs. O site was very excited about the short, “hand-signed™ ” (by our SigTech 4000) thank you note she received last Thursday from Lady M. She said it arrived just as she was rushing off to her MBA (MoBAma?) classes at Columbia Business School to learn how to become a capitalist pig – although I’m thinking she has already developed her innate skill in that area, and the diploma might just be putting lipstick on the pig – so to speak.

Ms. Tomer sent Lady M a copy of her wonderful book, Mrs. O: The Face of Fashion Democracy  last September, ahead of the October publication date. One of Lady M’s assistants just got around to responding. (We work off the “wedding gift rule” around here. It gives you a one year grace period for acknowledging gifts; although even Miss Manners thinks that rule might be a bit dated in our post Pony Express world.)

Anyway, Ms. Tomer was apparently quite excited about receiving the response: she said it was “a reminder of what a kind and genuine First Lady we are so fortunate to have in Mrs. Obama.”

medal of honor Jared Monti_thumb[6]Did she mention: sensitive, considerate and always appropriately dressed?

Indeed, it is. Although I personally think the response should have gone out before the book became available through Last Word Book Liquidators for $5.95, butt that’s just me. (H/T SondraK who, btw, has a sweet new blog: update your linkies) Also, I think it might have been nice to thank Ms. Mary for her wonderful gift before it was superseded by the next iconic Lady M book by Kate Betts, that came out last month: (and we reviewed here)


So, Ms. Kate Betts: you can expect your own “personalized”, “hand signed™ ” thank you paragraph from Lady M, suitable for framing, just in time for next Christmas Winter Holiday!

Speaking of fashion icons and the face of fashion democracy: did you see that Mexico’s First Lady, Margarita Zavala Calderon, was back in town last week for a bilingual reading of the Cat in the Hat? Frankly, I didn’t expect to see her again, after last May’s visit. Butt Lady M promised she wouldn’t have to stand in the rain and run around a gym in her raincoat this time.

Here are a few pics from last May: Lady M made Margarita chase the little kiddies around while she found other ways to intimidate them into getting their fat butts moving:


headshothaving a really bad day


This visit, Lady M took her meds and let Margarita entertain the children.



We didn’t tape the whole event this time either. We didn’t want any more AP video of kids outing their illegal immigrant parents.

So I think things worked out much better this time.  “Give me five, kids! OK, make that 10! Whatever.”

mocalderone      Winning!