Saturday, March 26, 2011


"The President and his team provided an update on accomplishments to date, including the full transfer of enforcement of the no-fly zone to NATO, and yesterday’s unanimous agreement among NATO allies to direct planning for NATO to assume command and control of the civilian protection component," a White House statement said.

Butt as it turns out, I guess NATO ‘R Us  isn’t in full control of the Libyan kinetic situation after all. It’s just ‘R Us for a while longer. Highlights at 11 – on Monday. That should give us enough time to figure it out. Assuming there hasn’t been any more kinetic activity between now and then.


You put your left foot in,
You put your left foot out,
You put your left foot in,
And you shake it all about.
You do the Hokey Pokey
And you turn yourself around,
That's what it's all about.

So I can’t really tell you yet whether Qaddafi is going to stay or go.

On an equally important front: we still haven’t announced the lucky winner of our “win a high school graduation speech by Big Guy” contest  (the results are sealed until opened by our auditors), butt Lady M’s commencement winners have been identified.

burger bump

First up: the University of North Iowa on May 7 in Cedar Falls; next, Spelman College, a historically black women’s college in Atlanta, on May 15 and then Quantico Middle High School on the Marine Corps Base in Quantico, Va. on June 3. We’ll also be going to West Point for a luncheon speech to the 2011 cadet class on May 20. I’m not sure who won the coveted slot to give this year’s West Point commencement address, butt I sure hope it doesn’t end up being Sarah Palin, because that would cause us some real problems.

Our PR department  The Office of the First Lady  said “the Quantico and West Point visits underscore Mrs. Obama's commitment to the military.” Accordingly, the Spellman visit underscores Lady M’s commitment to black women and the visit to Northern Iowa underscores her commitment to white people… and winning the 2012 election. Winning the Future, one constituency at a time. WTF.