Sunday, September 25, 2011

Another sparkling performance in black

Did you see the most recent sparkling performance in black?

bo mo cbc awards dinner

Yes, Lady M looked wonderful at the Congressional Black Caucus Awards Dinner last night. Butt that’s not what I’m talking about.

I’m talking about the stunning performance of the other black man running for president: Herman Cain! Hey dude! Don’t you know that the Dems own the downtrodden-black-man-in-America motif? OK, technically that would be the downtrodden black man who’s been discriminated against at every turn, always gets the short end of the stick and never gets a shot at the corner office motif. And as the son of a house cleaner mother and a janitor/chauffer father, Herman normally would have qualified. Butt he gave up his membership when he got his BA in math and MS degree in computer science and went on to serve as CEO of Godfathers Pizza and Chairman of the Kansas City Federal Reserve Bank. He’s now clearly a member of the lucky, privileged, wealthy class who can afford to pay a little bit more.

Butt still, our party owns the one-black-man-three-votes-to-make-it-fair meme. And Herman is screwing it all up.

Screenshot Studio capture #254

In an upset of stunning proportions, Cain walked away with a victory in Saturday’s Florida straw poll, polling more than Perry and Romney combined!!!! Wow! What kind of sick twisted mind games are those racist Tea Partiers playing with us now? And who is this Herman Cain who doesn’t know which side his bread is supposed to be buttered on? This is definitely not in the play book. So we’ll play it down and move on to something of more substance for our cause:  Lady M and Big Guy - last night - at the annual Congressional Black Caucus awards dinner.

Here’s our now-famous air kiss:

bomo smooch

and our fabulously popular puddling hemline:

bo mo cbc awards dinner3

our famous “skirt hike” to deal with the puddling hem:

bo mo cbc awards dinner4

and of course our signature bangle collection, nicely done here in ebony and white diamonds:

bo mo cbc awards dinner2

Unfortunately, the above shot snuck through the side-view photo embargo, displaying the limits of containment systems and corset belts. BTW, if you’re wondering about the little loopy thing behind Lady M, it’s just your standard black tie corset tie.

           peter sornen corset beltpeter soronen corset belt rear view

The other loopy thing behind her is, of course, Big Guy:


So, no more booty shots, OK? Let’s focus on our positives:

bo mo cbc awards dinner21Oooow! Look at that tiny waist! And Lady M’s is looking pretty sucked in too.

You can see it better on the golf course, where Big Guy shows Big Dawg a few tricks while competing in a contest of the incredible shrinking presidents:

bo bill putterYou’ve probably never thought of this Bill, butt try using the other end on the green.


just putt it into the hole billJust putt it in the hole, Bill

That’s all I have time for now, more tomorrow.

NOTE: this dispatch has been posted from the road, somewhere in the middle of Ann Barnhart territory in Colorado. I might even have seen some of her cattle.

Linked By: centralcal on JustOneMinute, Thanks!