There’s an old adage to the effect that when leaders get in trouble, they tend to go back to doing things the way they always have: the behaviors that got you to the podium in the first place, if you will.
Lady M demonstrates:
Bold, clingy,abstract floral print. Bright, tight mini cardi. Huge boob belt showing off the effectiveness of our new government issued containment systems. Colorful flats, expensive bag, and a big smile. Oh, and don’t forget to hold hands!
We are sooo ready to fight…for our right to par-tay.
Actually, we’re going to New York for the UN General Assembly, butt this is an important trial run to see if we can win back the hamsters in the MSM with our “color pop” and stylin’.
Big Guy’s going to the UN because someone in Palestine heard about Big Guy’s popularity polls, and decided now was the time to set up that 2 state solution in the Middle East that Big Guy spoke so fondly of the last time Netanyahu was here. Butt now that they’re going ahead with his plan unilaterally, he’s not so much on board; on account of his “Jewish problem” that emerged in the wake of the Weiner erection election.
On other fronts, Big Guy’s trying to shore up his union base by making Government Motors give the union everything they wanted in the latest contract negotiations. You didn’t really buy the fact that GM paid back the money they “borrowed” from Big Guy did you? That was more of our special fuzzy government accounting. We still own them. This should prove interesting for Ford. Who we don’t own. Their loss.
Also, we officially launched our class warfare in the Rose Garden yesterday. We’ll just have to wait and see how that works out.
With the fashion, Jewish, union and underclass hopefully back in the fold, we’ve got to focus on other fronts. Like dispelling all of the lies that Ron Suskind wrote in his stupid new book Confidence Man:
Mr. Obama emerges in this volume as an oddly passive chief executive whose modus operandi was to sketch out overarching principles, “wait until others had painted in those outlines with hard proposals” and then “step down from his above-the-fray perch to close the deal.”
In my limited experience, leaders who rely on “overarching principles” and who “wait until others had painted in those outlines with hard proposals” usually don’t know enough to buy a clue. That’s why they tend to rely on a “growing inclination to seek consensus.” If they don’t know enough about the subject to even formulate an opinion, they assume that a consensus will produce a better answer. As in “the debate is over, the science is settled and the earth is on fire.”
Of course, I’m not saying that’s the case with Big Guy. Au contraire! Big Guy is nothing, if not in charge. He just wants to give everyone an equal opportunity to speak their minds before he pulls out TOTUS to become the decider.
Butt aside from all the critical, untrue charges of uncertainty, indecision, infighting and insubordination in the Oval, the worst allegation that Mr. Suskind makes is that there’s a “woman problem” in the Big White.
Some of the most inflammatory passages from the book don’t deal with economics at all, but rather with the treatment of women in the administration. Part of the problem was the brusque Larry Summers… But the problem was wider: women in the administration felt they were ignored, with decisions made by men talking to one another. “The idea of a boys club being just Larry and Rahm [Emanuel, the then–White House chief of staff] isn’t really fair,” one insider told Suskind. “[Obama] was just as responsible himself.” Christina Romer, former head of the Council of Economic Advisers, said of one meeting where she’d been shut down by Summers, “I felt like a piece of meat.” Anita Dunn, who was communications director, said, “Looking back, this place would be in court for a hostile workplace … because it actually fit all of the classic requirements for a genuinely hostile workplace.”
Of course this has all been officially denied which, I think, by law makes it “not true.” And really, how believable is it that the Big White has a “woman problem” with Lady M in the house? Are you kidding me?
Come to think of it, that might actually explain some of the hostility towards members of the weaker sex in other quarters around here. Butt then, I’m not a certified psychotherapist so you should probably ignore that last observation and ask Robin from Berkley for her professional opinion.
Anyway, the book goes on to quote – quote! - Big Guy as saying that what he’s dealing with here is a failure of communication:
that he, along with Bill Clinton and Jimmy Carter, shared “the disease of being policy wonks,” that he had been “very comfortable with a technocratic approach to government,” and that he needed to focus on the bigger picture. “Going forward as president,” he said in the February 2011 interview, “the symbols and gestures — what people are seeing coming out of this office — are at least as important as the policies we put forward.”
Well, that’s an understatement! Everyone around here, and I mean everyone, knows and always has that the symbols and gestures are not “at least” as important as policies: they are tantamount. As I tried to warn everyone right from the start: “…allusion and artifice is all we have to offer”.
I hate it when nobody listens to me, so I don’t blame Christina, Anita and Elizabeth for leaving – nobody likes to be treated like a second class citizen. Butt I swear, when Anita said that the Big White “fit all of the classic legal requirements for a genuinely hostile workplace to women” I just thought Big Guy was racking up another historic first. Because I’m not aware of any other administration that has been hostile towards women; in fact the Clinton administration loved women. Although I can’t speak for the Carter years, as I wasn’t here yet.
Anyway, now that I know that this is a real concern, I’m wondering if I should lawyer up? I sure can’t afford to since I still haven’t gotten that pay increase Rahmbo promised me back in ‘09, and that new Daley dude won’t even acknowledge that I exist. Hey! I’m beginning to see Anita’s point! Maybe Professor William Jacobson will take my case on a pro-bono basis. Of course I’m still waiting to hear from him and Megyn Kelly on my Supremacy Clause suit against Dr. Laura Ingraham. So he’s probably very busy. With his website and all.
Butt I think I’ll start gathering my evidence together, just in case I need it for my legal briefs.
Linked By: Larwyn’s Linx on Doug Ross@Journal, and Merry Poppet on iOwnTheWorld, and sb & NOBO2012 on Weasel Zippers, and KeyWestReader on Hot Air Thanks!