Friday, December 9, 2011

Dreidle-Dee and Dreidle-Dumb

Since one or both of the Wons will be vacationing on the Big Island when Hanukkah officially begins, the Wons threw a big party for 550 of their best Jewish friends last night – some of whom helped get Big Guy elected in 2008 and all of whom are expected to help get him elected again. So the mood was festive. Dr. Jill  and Joey Biden were also hosts of this year’s Festival of Light celebration.

mo best buy blueDouble-date: the Wons and the Toos

And never one to let a good excuse for a party go to waste, America’s last best hope for Israel lit all of the candles on the menorah to officially launch the Festival of Lights, which officially starts on December 20th this year.


bomo blue

Lady M glows in her Hanukkah friendly electric blue frock, complemented with other blue accessories


And wow! Check out Dr. Jill! Wearing a short black choir robe with sparkle collar, she’d be hot if she weren’t 60! Imagine still being able to go above-the-knee, stockingless and long platinum tressed at that age! It simply defies nature!

jills beaded collarButt then, defying nature is what we specialize in

It was a little awkward for the party planners this year, as the festival of lights won’t begin for another 12 days. They didn’t know how to handle the lighting of the menorah candles – so, in keeping with the party spirit, they opted to go for it with all of them for good measure. It has nothing to do with ignorance of the traditions of Hanukkah, and everything to do with expediency, festivity and a nod to the environmentalists (reducing our carbon footprint).

9645192-reading-under-candlelightAfter all, if studying by candlelight was good enough for Lincoln it’s good enough for us.

For her Hanukkah accessories, Lady M chose multiple strands of her favorite blue-black pearls by Erickson Beamon, a costume jewelry designer favored not just by Lady M butt also other celebrities of taste such as Lady Gaga, Daphne Guinness, and Beyonce:

Daphne and Donatello on the emp no clothesHa ha! Fooled you didn’t I? That’s not Lady Gaga on the left, butt socialite Daphne Guinness with Donatella Versace. Don’t you just love fashionistas?

I personally voted to go with the Kennedy Center Swarovski chandeliers and leave the swag at home. Butt what do I know about appropriate? I only worked in the First Ladies section of the Smithsonian and have no formal training in fashionista accessorizing.

kennedy center chandeliers  bomo blu2

Cobalt blue two ways: can you tell which outfit is using our super secret stealth containment system that has now fallen into the hands of the Iranians? And what a waste: they keep all of their women under wraps and away from the prying eyes of the West anyway. Although maybe the Chinese can use it for something.

Anyway, I guess the fact that we threw a party celebrating a Jewish holiday has re-earned our bona fides with the Jewish voting (and donating) block. Especially since BO reiterated his on-again, off-again unwavering support for Israel, noting: “our unshakeable support and commitment to the security of the nation of Israel.”


Second only to our unshakeable support and commitment to the security of our own country:






Borders, language and culture: “We are on correct path comrades.” (H/T, as always, Vereteno)

Linked By: Larwyn’s Linx on Doug Ross@Journal, and Janet on Just One Minute, Thanks!