A very special and heartfelt thanks to all my MO/YL, MO/YD and FOM!
Big news! While we slept, somebody, somewhere was officially the 2,500,000th visitor to my little blog! I was especially excited as the pace seems to have accelerated considerably over the past few months:
…at least I was excited until I saw my stats graphed against Big Guy’s record deficit numbers:
My graph really wasn’t tall enough. That’s me, the thin red line at the bottom.
Wow! Not even as big a blip as the “fairness doctrine Buffet Rule deficit reduction plan.” Relativity is pretty humbling.
Meanwhile, also last night in Cheyenne Wyoming, just three weeks after getting a heart transplant, Dick Cheney was busy mincing his words with respect to Big Guy’s presidency:
“He has been an unmitigated disaster to the country.”
Yep that’s our Real Dick Cheney (RDC)! No wonder he had to wait so long for the heart transplant - apparently they were waiting for one from the same gene pool as the original.
I still miss the RDC around here
Still, he never brought the kind of gravitas to the Veep spot that Joey does, every day:
“Duh! Big red fire truck!”
Here’s the thing: I want to continue to do my little part to help the RDC spread the truth. So in honor of my 2.5 millionth hit I’m launching my first ever MOTUS Begathon, Monday April 16 – Sunday April 22!
Unlike NPR and PBS - who get a lot of your money whether you choose to give it to them or not, butt somehow always seem to need more - I don’t really want any of your hard earned money. I’m kind of old fashioned that way. I think you should keep whatever’s left of your devalued dollars after you pay your fair share (by Tuesday!) to spend on your family and the charity of your choice.
I just want you to help me spread my gospel of HOPE and CHANGE, and in the process help me pick up enough additional clicks to hit 3 million by election day! It’s sort of a personal goal of mine, in order to do my fair share. Here’s how you can help: Beginning Monday, help me spread my posts around by reposting my daily missives from the Big White on your Facebook, re-tweeting me to your favorite tweeters and twitterers, and include me in your visits around the intertubes by dropping a linky to me should an appropriate opportunity present itself. I know it’s blog whoring, butt I figure if the SS can do it, so can I. Besides, I’m just following the Rules for Radical Bloggers as popularized by R. S. McCain. And after all, it’s for a good cause. I know the RDC would be proud. We can do it! Yes we Can!
And don’t forget: there’s still a special Golden Flotus waiting for the first FOM who gets a MOTUS mention on El Rushbo’s show!
And thank you very much to all of you who have been so kind as to link to my little clandestine Big White blog in the past. I don’t have an automatic system that let’s me know, butt I do try to track back myself if I see hits coming in from other blogs and note them at the end of my posts. So deepest thanks to everyone for both past and future hits and links. You’ve all helped get me to the big 2.5M – which I never ever expected when I started out in June of ‘09 with just a few hundred hits a week! And now look where we are: only 1.2 trillion to go to catch up with Big Guy’s deficit!
Unfortunately I don’t have any nice “thank you gifts” to offer for your contribution like they do on PBS, but I do promise to keep my entertainment advertising free. Except for this one unpaid political ad in search of your support:
Are you tired of business as usual in Washington?
“So let it be written, so let it be done.”
Do you want to see a return of fiscal responsibility to the government?
Do you want everyone pay their fair share, not just the 50% of the 99%?
Do you think “all of the above” energy policies should include the most obvious one?
Do you think an “America built to last” should include something other than government funded projects?
Do you want the blueprint for America to include such things as a race war, class war and gender war?
Do you think a high speed recovery requires high speed trains to nowhere?
If you really can’t wait…
Please help me spread the gospel of HOPE for Winning the Future next week. And thank you for your continued support. You will not receive any additional flash emails regarding this begathon, nor will your personal information be made available to any of the other multiple arms of the Big Guy Begging Machine.
Thank you. And now back to our regularly scheduled programing:
As you know, Lady M gets tons of mail everyday. But every now and again, she gets a really, really special one, like this:
Yes! That’s right! It’s from none other than Beyoncé: inaugural entertainer, frequent Big White visitor (and entertainer), Let’s Move! devotee and Lady M BFF.
And she’s hawt!
Never mind that she seems to have her voices mixed up in that letter; she’s a singer/dancer not an English teacher. The important thing is she is proud to have her daughters look up to Lady M – who can blame her?
And Lady M returns the favor, she’s proud to have her daughters look up to Beyoncé as well, (the skinny bitch).
After all, what better role model for young black girls than a black woman with bleached skin and long, straight blonde hair who sings about getting “bodied”?
“Get Me Bodied"
Mission one
I'ma put this on
When he see me in the dress I'ma get me some (hey)
Mission two
Gotta make that call
Tell him get the bottles poppin' when they play my song (hey)
Mission three
Got my three best friends
Like we do it all the time we gonna do it again (hey)
Mission four
Got the vintage Rolls
Drop a couple hundreds tell him leave it at the door
I ain't worried doing me tonight
A little sweat ain't never hurt nobody
While you all standin' on the wall
I'm the one tonight
Getting bodied, getting bodied, getting bodied, getting bodied
Want my body
Won't you get me bodied
You want my body
Won't you get me bodied (hey)
We had to change the lyrics a bit for the Let’s Move! campaign’s “Move your Body” video - in order to get it a PG-13 rating.
Anyway, until this latest love letter from The Beyoncé, this was the very best love letter Lady M ever got:
Unfortunately for Little Bo, that means he’s going to have to participate in campaign activities.
Won’t you please join me in helping Free Little Bo?
Again, thank you all so much for your continued support. And a special thanks to Doug Ross/Larwyn’s Links, American Digest, Pundette, Mommy Life and Clarice who spotted me and boosted me into the ethernet before anyone else. I you all!
Linked By: Adrienne’s Corner, and just-saying on Weasel Zippers, Thanks!