Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Health care, not a choice. Vegetables, not a choice. Next?

Ok, you’ve had your fun, enough already. Yes, I know Lady M dressed like a box of Crayons and stuck her tongue out: she was just getting in touch with her inner child (again). Butt really, don’t we have bigger fish to fry – rhetorically speaking?

wrinkly kneesThe wrinkly knee look is very big this year

And there’s no truth that we were paid to lobby for, respectively, the republics of Columbia, Romania, Transylvania or Chad.



Nor were we doing product placement for McDonald’s, Burger King or M & Ms.



Also, I would like to note that while they were offered, Lady M declined the free pair of Ked’s SuperMom high tops – even though they were specially designed to go with her Easter Roll outfit.


Plus, I see no point in discussing Lady M’s proclivity for sticking her tongue out somewhat inappropriately at these Easter Egg Rolls.

mo jada 2011 mo tongue tacos

Easter Roll 2011, left; 2012 right.

It’s just that we keep inviting world famous chefs (Wolfgang Puck last year and Marcus Samuelsson this) Their food is just so darn yummy, they had everyone lickin’ their lips!

Lady M used yesterday’s Egg Roll as an opportunity to hector lecture share a learning moment with parents - who were slightly surprised as they thought they were invited to the Big White for their kids to gather some chocolate bunnies and eggs:

While she helped the children make shrimp and vegetable tacos, the First Lady spoke to parents about tips to encourage their kids to eat vegetables.

"If we have [too many] fried chicken and the carb-heavy dinners, the kind we all love, we're not setting our kids up for success."


"Veggies aren't really a choice," she added. "We think they are, but they're not."

Yikes! I hope she doesn’t intend to tell Denise Ilitch that.


Denise (daughter of Little Caesar’s founders Mike and Marion Ilitch) is throwing Big Guy a solid sterling silver pizza party in Detroit later this month. All of Big Guy’s executives from GM and Chrysler will be there to  return the bailout favor by ponying up $40k each to get their picture taken with their personal savior - plus all the pizza they can eat!

Butt seriously: "Veggies aren't really a choice?"  Are you kidding me! The Ilitchs practically invented pepperoni pizza! And they did invent the two-for-one pizza deal later known as Pizza!Pizza!®, a concept that I can report used to rate very highly on Lady M’s go-to meal list.


pizza pizza

Butt ok, have it your way: if veggies are your one true love

Screenshot Studio capture #476

Go right ahead and have your Little Caesars “not a choice” vegetarian pizza if you “must”

IMG_8161 or, if you’re a real American, exercise your right to live free or die:

LSH_Pepperoni LSH_Pepperoni


Butt I think I should warn Big Guy before he goes to Detroit for the pizza party, they’ve taken Chicago rules to another whole level. So don’t even think about whining about people teasing you about your big ears.

bo's ears

Because not only did Detroit invent Pizza! Pizza!, they invented bullies too.

grand torino

So ok, do we have an agreement? More personal choices, less whining?


Oh, and speaking of whining: apparently we’ve temporarily suspended the $10 off sale on  our O-Hoodies. Due to a bunch of conservatives blowing the whole thing out of proportion, as usual.

Linked By: Larwyn’s Linx on Doug Ross@Journal, and anyonebutbarry2012 on GrettaWire, Thanks!