Today’s Four words: lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgendered.
Big Guy had a very busy day yesterday packin’ the house at several venues, butt before we get to that, let’s look at some of the events he didn’t attend:
Topping that list was the super-secret ceremony inducting Rush Limbaugh into the Hall of Famous Missourians.
Also unable to attend that ceremony was Missouri state Representative Stacey Newman who whined that the placement of a bust of the titular head of the R-Words, who personally started the War On Women, was totally inappropriate and probably illegal.
Speaker of the Missouri House, Steven Tilley, unveiled the bust at an invitation only ceremony yesterday:
No...wait...that’s Christina Hendricks of Mad Men fame, wrong we go!
Rush takes bronze in the talking head competition
Stacey and her troupe of “Proud Sluts” were also bitching that the Rush ceremony would diminish the solemnity of their “Sticks & Stones: Sluts Talk Back” event also held in St. Louis yesterday. Big Guy did not attend that event either, nor did he have time to “like” Rush’s “Rush Babes For America” Facebook page. Although I guess technically he would have to be a babe to do that. Maybe I can get Lady M to “like” it – you know, as a bipartisan, reaching across the aisle sort of symbolic gesture. Sort of like Big Guy’s endorsement of gay marriage.
Anyway, Rush wasn’t the only talking head honored yesterday. While Big Guy didn’t get his own bronze bust yet, he did pick up not one, butt two, new halos to add to his growing collection!
BO receives his 50th and 51st halos from Barnard College and Newsweek Magazine. (6 more and he’ll have one from each state.)
Big Guy’s day was jam-packed: first there was his awesome commencement address at Barnard’s Women’s College where he talked about Julia again:
"Until there are women who tell her ignore our pop culture obsession over beauty and fashion and focus instead on studying and inventing and competing and leading, she'll think those are the only things that girls are supposed to care about. Now, Michelle will say there's nothing wrong with caring about that a little bit."
"…Malia and Sasha are going to be outstanding women because of Michelle and Marian Robinson are outstanding women. So understand your power and use it wisely."
Granted, his address was a bit confusing and contradictory at times, butt that was either the speech writer’s or TOTUS’ fault. Ultimately BO made the save and managed to work in the most important point that Lady M has hammered home to him over and over:
“You can be stylish and powerful”
and powerful -
Big Guy couldn’t hang around after his address to observe the graduates practicing their new found stylish and powerful skills, as he had to head over to the the ABC studios to film his appearance with the girls of the View for about the kazillionth time:
I’ve been here so often, I feel like one of the girls now.
There he shared his thoughts on everything from Kim Kardashian and Snooki to his brave stance on gay marriage, proving once again that his big brain can span the universe of today’s important issues.
From there it was on to the Flatiron district where he joined Ricky Martin (who is now proudly gay, butt he had to be outed before he realized it) for a $5000/head fundraiser. Ricky told the marks guests:
"We admire his courage, like the courage he showed last week in affirming his belief in marriage equality. That is the kind of courage we expect from our president and that is why we support him."
Of course I’m sure there are many other good reasons why Ricky and his gay friends support BO too. Although nothing else comes to mind immediately.
Then, to wrap up the day, Big Guy dropped in for a much pricier fundraiser at $35,800/head(because the 1% can afford to pay a little bit more). This one was a dinner hosted at the home of Hamilton “Tony” James, president and COO of Blackstone Group, a large private equity firm. Yes, you heard correctly, “private equity firm,” like Bain Capital - greedy, job-killing, vampire capitalists. Oh well, it’s like they say, “because that’s where the money is.”
When asked why he robbed so many banks he replied “because that’s where the money is.”
Oh - and speaking of money – I just sort of found this factoid interesting: did you know that 1 out of 6 of Big Guy’s bundlers are gay? And rich. And on the right side of history. Whatever.
Our historical president: making the world safe for gay marriage. Because we don’t really have any other pressing issues this week.
Linked By: BigFurHat @ iOwnTheWorld, and NOBO2012 on Free Republic, Thanks!