“Where in the constitution does authority reside for the Affordable Care act? Are you serious?” Do you think that makes any difference?
The Supreme Court Ruling could have gone in one of several directions:
- If you like your Health Care plan, you can keep your Health Care plan.
- If you like OUR Health Care plan, you can keep OUR Health Care plan.
- Whether you like OUR Health Care plan or not, you can’t keep your Health Care plan.
- If you like your Health Care plan, tough s**t, amigo.
They chose #2, 3 and 4.
Very little else to add to that other than to reiterate our brilliant residential constitution scholar – no not Big Guy, Little Joe – this is “a big f*#@ing deal!”
So congratulations Big Guy, you really are the Won!
And the Once.The only possible way to view this is that it will make it easier for Romney to win in November.
Oh, and congratulations New World Order government types too! We’re ‘wich ya now!
The sun sets on the American Experiment. Alexis de Tocqueville called it.
The tea trolley is now officially open for the rest of the year. I’ll see you there!
Linked By: betyangelo on twitter, and MRM on twitter, and NOBO2012 on Free Republic, Thanks!