Tuesday, July 17, 2012

That game was the pits. Next time we’re getting a real Brazilian.

Youser! That was some game, no? 

The crowd did a bit of trash talking, too, booing the first couple after the first lady playfully rebuffed Obama’s advances when they were featured on the “Kiss Cam” on Verizon Center’s overhead scoreboard.

obamakisscam-500x375Oh Noes! Not a rebuff! I wonder if Lady M knows something we don’t?

Hold the phone – incoming from Obama campaign central, calling for an instant replay:

The Obamas did share a couple of public kisses in the second half, the first of which elicited some cheers and chants of “four more years!” (Notably, the White House press pool, which had been moved from the arena to vans before the second kiss, was led back into the arena in time to witness the smooch, according to a pool report.)

bo mo eewwwTake 2: call back our press corpse!

Everybody was happy before we got that call:

bo joe 2BO and Joe were happy

reg and boBO and Reggie were happy

bo mo sweetWee Won 1 was happy

our first musical familyEven Lady M was happy

Then we got the call from Plouffe-Daddy: Lady M’s shyness was making us look bad. Ann never would have rebuffed Mitt like that.

AFP 508562107

So, back to the arena, hard working press corpse, we called for a replay:

bomo smoochiesThat’s better!

beer frameButt that calls for a beer!

bo mo give me another beerMaybe two.

What the heck, you’ve been working hard, let’s have one more for the road – you’re not driving.

bo beer2

All righty then – everyone’s happy now!

mo bo

Well, not everyone:

reggie and bo together again

Just every Won who counts:

mo oh dear lord

Oh. My. Dear. Lord. What have I done?

I’m sorry, that’s all I can do for you today. It’s not that I’m hiding in shame, it’s just that Raj is having a little hand surgery today in order to preserve his ability to remain our magic nerd, and he needs a driver. Lady M volunteered, butt she’s still a little hung over so I’m taking him myself.

Till tomorrow…at which time I hope you can forgive me.

Linked By: Larwyn’s Linx on Doug Ross@Journal, and BlogsLucianneLoves, and Blonde on NewsBusters, and DeniseVB on The Crawdad Hole, and MRM on twitter, and NOBO2012 on Free Republic, Thanks!