As Isaac gathers steam in the Gulf and the elephants gather steam in Tampa I thought I’d take this opportunity to give you an update on how our campaign is coming along. (Hint: Please send more money! Lots more money!)
Apparently we’re continuing to rely on Lady M to humanize Big Guy. 3 1/2 years in and we’re still trying to “humanize” Big Guy? Seriously? Is that really necessary at this point?
h/t Legal Insurrection via creeperThe human President TOTUS-head is “a head” in all of the polls
Although I guess some people still find Big Guy to be a little stiff:
Smile! You’re getting your picture taken with an icon.
Jose proudly displays his certification of illegal citizen status
Frankly, my fear is that BO may be all too human.
CBS, ABC, NBC, CNN and Ms.NBC report Obama is firmly “a head” of the pack after this performance
As for Lady M, I’m a little worried about her too. This has been a grueling campaign so far and she’s starting to exhibit the early signs of burn out:
“It is just so wonderful to be here and to see all of you this afternoon, evening – what time of day is it? I’ve lost track of time.” Who am I? Why am I here?
- losing track of time, and dependence on various “sleeping aids.”
Anyway, sure enough no sooner do I start fretting about Lady M’s over-exposure than (then?) it happens - in spades: (is that racist?)
h/t Chickaboomer and pwitter
The picture has place(d) Mrs Obama's face in a 1800 portrait of a slave with an exposed breast, and Magazine de Fuera de Serie likely knew the image was going to stir up controversy.
The editors may have had a different message in mind given the historical context of the particular painting, but that sentiment was overlooked by online viewers who found the composite offensive and racist.
Good grief! When was the last time this happened? Joey was right: they are planning to “put y’all back in chains!”
And it looks like the magazine was very cognizant of the controversy this Photoshop would create:
Artist Karine Percheron-Daniels defends the artistic choice, saying that it shows an 'alternative unexpected reality' by allowing the viewer to see 'famous individuals in a different way'
I guess that’s what Glamour Magazine had in mind too when they decided to interview Big Guy for their soft-porn piece:
Watch for another 'alternative unexpected reality' expected to hit the newsstands on November 6. You’re not going to want to miss it.
Linked By: narciso on JustOneMinute, and Lalaa Land on facebook, and AnnieLaurie76 on twitter, and MMR on twitter, and BlogsLucianneLoves, and NOBO2012 on Free Republic, Thanks!