Saturday, August 11, 2012

Paul Ryan gets in Obama’s kitchen

Woo-hoo! Romney’s got a new VP pick! It’s official, Romney-Ryan, or R2 as I call it.

I guess it could have been worse. The only thing I know for sure is that Big Guy is not a big fan of that young whippersnapper Paul Ryan. In fact, you might say Pauly “get’s in his kitchen:” (h/t: Dennis Miller)

VP Pick, Paul Ryan gets in Obama’s Kitchen

Dennis Miller’s “We are in their kitchen” Rant (More free rants here)

(Subscribe to the DMZ here. I did!) Note: this is an unpaid ad

Anyway, I don’t know what all the fuss is about. After all, Vice Presidential picks aren’t really all that important, unless you’re Sarah Palin, in which case it’s the only thing. Butt look at Big Guy’s pick: he’s really just there to balance out Big Guy’s big brain power in order to prevent a complete core meltdown.

Obama-Biden_Facepalm-550x368Whew! That back flash is fierce!

Oh sure,Team Obama will get onboard with the media elites who are already accusing Paul Ryan of having no private industry experience. Of course that will be before some lunk head on the right points out that the current leader of the free world doesn’t either. And that his pick for VP is a career bureaucrat who hasn’t had a job in the private sector since Gerald Ford’s presidency, and even then I think it was serving ice cream:

joey serves up ice creamsoft-serve, of course: vanilla

It’s not that Joey B didn’t contemplate other careers before deciding to serve the people of Delaware for 39 years in Washington.

Other career paths Joey looked at included engineer,

joebiden station

band leader,

joey b Euclid ohio 11-15-11

secret agent man,




and fireman:

joey-you-dont-even-need photoshoppe

before settling on his perfect fit as a politician.

joey b sleeps

When Joey heard that Paul Ryan was Romney’s VP he was ecstatic, just thinking about the Vice Presidential debate.

joey the beeWe can’t wait either Joey!

This is going to make for some great political theatre: Team Obama vs. Team Romney. I’m in. Are you in?

bo joey



“That doesn’t mean the private equity guys are bad guys. They are not. But that no more qualifies you to be president than being a plumber. And by the way, there are a lot of awful smart plumbers.” Joe Biden May 22, 2012


joeplumber guygJoe the Plumber for Congress

Oh yeah! Team Romney is in their kitchen. They’re rattling the pots and pans and cooking up some really good chow. So bring it, guys. Because We Can’t Wait!

PS Between Ann and Janna, I don’t really think the next administration is going to need my trans-imaging services much.


R2 bumper stickers coming soon!


Linked By: Larwyn’s Linx on Doug Ross@Journal, and Zilla of the Resistance (BTW: "Z" is using Disqus-check it out), and SEEING RED, and BlogsLucianneLoves, and NOBO2012 on Free Republic, and Susan Haymon on facebook, and AnnieLaurie76 on twitter, and anyonebutbarry2012 on GrettaWire, and Car in on The Hostages, Thanks!

Cross-Posted on RedState and Flopping Aces