Gosh, so much to report. So little time to report it. Where shall I start?
Maybe with an update on Big Guy’s preparations for Sandy, the big blow headed our way. (Please, no Fluke jokes, you know which “Sandy” I’m talking about.)
“President Obama will attend rallies in Florida and Ohio on Monday, but then return to the White House to monitor Hurricane Sandy, press secretary Jay Carney said in a statement Saturday night.”
Monitoring the Frankenstorm
Because as you all know, there’s nothing more important for the President to spend his time on during the reelection season than monitoring all incoming storms.
"The president is being regularly updated on the storm and ongoing preparations, and he has directed his team to continue to bring all available resources to bear as state and local partners continue to prepare for the storm," Carney said in a statement.
And making those crucial life and death decisions about where to deploy our precious resources as disaster bears down.
"FEMA has already deployed teams and has pre-staged resources to potentially affected states and areas ahead of the storm, and FEMA remains in close contact with emergency responders in states up and down the East Coast to ensure there are no unmet needs.
You know, we could maybe learn a thing or two from FEMA. Like pre-staging resources ahead of the storm – what a great idea! That way, you have them where you need them in the likely case that chaos breaks out. Therefore, “no unmet needs.” What a concept!
Inquiring minds want to know; fortunately we don’t have many.
The president will continue to receive regular briefings on these efforts, and has made clear that he expects his team to continue to lean forward as Hurricane Sandy approaches." [ed. Hey, I don’t write this stuff, I just reflect it.]
knee pads are recommended as well
And don’t even try to tell me that BO hasn’t demonstrated leadership on the “leaning forward” front:
I think they all got your message
Butt speaking of gathering storms, have you seen this? It looks like another storm on the horizon and this one’s huge too: The Des Moines Register endorses…Romney!?! Romney, with an “R” after his name, Romney? The last time the Des Moines Register endorsed a Republican was 40 years ago, in 1972!
This has a certain ring of familiarity to it doesn’t it? “Déjà vu like ‘72” or something?
You do remember the 1972 Nixon vs. McGovern race, right?
In one of the most stunning blowouts in US history, Nixon took 49 of the 57 states, with only Massachusetts casting it’s fate with the liberal Democrat.
I’m not implying that Romney is Nixonian; in fact I think BO has firmly established his claim to that honor in this year’s contest (here and here).
Nor am I trying to imply anything negative about George McGovern - heck, I think if he were running today he would probably win, assuming he wasn’t considered too conservative.
Butt getting back to the UNEXPECTED endorsement of Romney by the Des Moines Register: If only this had come out before the editorial board made their decision, it might have swung them back into Big Guy’s camp. To air tomorrow, BO tells Joe Scarborough that he takes “full responsibility” – just 6 weeks after the fact:
President Obama vowed Saturday to hold the right people accountable if it's found that there was breakdown in communications within the intelligence community ahead of last month's attack in Benghazi.
"What my attitude on this is is if we find out there was a big breakdown and somebody didn’t do their job, they’ll be held accountable," he said in an interview with "Morning Joe" hosts Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski conducted in Nashua, N.H., according to a report on MSNBC.com.
"Ultimately as commander-in-chief I am responsible and I don’t shy away from that responsibility," he added.
Somebody will be hung out to dry; that’s a promise
And don’t think that coming in off the campaign trail in order to take personal charge of handling all the details of Sandy isn’t a sacrifice. There’s no place BO would rather be than campaigning. After all, he’s away from all his daily household chores (poop scooper), as well as all of his other day to day responsibilities that weigh so heavily on his shoulders.
Hey, somebody get me another one of those honey ales! And I’ll have a few Kobe sliders to go with it.
Linked By: Before It’s News, and BlogsLucianneLoves, and NOBO2012 on Free Republic, Thanks!