Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Getting Ready for the Big Dance

Yesterday Big Guy had several of his biggest fans and supporters in for tea:


All rock stars in their own right (Big Unions and Big Community Organizing): Rubin Justin (, DickieTrumka (AFL-CIO), Mary Kaye Henry (SEIU)

TRUMKADirector of Justin Ruben (L) and International President of the Service Employee International Union Mary Kay Henry

And as promised, they received nothing butt good news from Big Guy:

The heads of several labor unions and Democratic-leaning interest groups emerged from an hourlong meeting with Obama saying they were united with the president on how to avert the so-called “fiscal cliff” and prevent more financial hardships next year.

That of course would be by preserving the tax cuts for middle class families that were first put in place by the Bush administration, and that Big Guy voted against, before he voted for.

“We are very, very committed to making sure that the middle class and workers don’t end up paying the tab for a party that we didn’t get to go to and the president is committed to that as well,” said AFL-CIO president Richard Trumka

Of course, in order to “pay” for them, he’s going to have his team raise tax rates on the rich – which has already incurred some bracket creep: the top 1% has now doubled to the top 2%. Big Guy intends to keep doubling down on that until we’re closer to the top 50%, at which point nearly everyone who voted against him will have been punished.

Immediately following tea party number one, we hosted tea party number two for another Progressive support group: womyn!

Just to avoid confusion, yesterday’s soirees looked much more like this:


Than this:


Attending the ladies thank you party along with Big Guy were Cecilia Munoz of the Domestic Policy Council and Gene Sperling, director of the National Economic Council (which may find time to meet again, now that the reelection is over).

"The president was cute when he came in. He said 'I heard Gene was outnumbered and needed some backup,'" said one attendee, Lisa Maatz, director of the American Association of University Women. "This was a very positive meeting. There were some moments of levity like that."

Obama went on to crack a joke about how the women's groups must be excited that Michelle Obama will be first lady for another four years. “He said it was a package deal, we had to take him too,” (snip)

Maatz said the women's groups also spoke with the president about improving Social Security and protecting Medicare and Medicaid…she also laid out the commitment her group and other advocates for women expect from Obama going forward.

Uh, thanks Lisa, butt I think we all know what women expect from Big Guy:


Which reminds me, since I was gone yesterday I forgot to wish everyone “Happy Birth Control Day”


Unclear if this is satirical irony or simply more progressive idiocy


"There was very much a sense of the importance that women played in the election -- If not for women, we may very well have been having a meeting with a different president or president-elect," Maatz said. "We expect him to dance with the one who brought him."

Man, BO better get himself a new pair of dancing shoes, because the dude’s got a lot of partners to dance with.


bo's shoesGrab me a fresh pair of Cole Hanns! My feet are killing me.

The handlers:

120130_obama-cast-axelrod- jarret02_p465plouffemessina obamacare for allaxelrod for all

The celebrities:

jayz-beyoncex-largebo jay-z springsttenbo and bruce aging rock stars attracted to each other via cit directorkaty perry forward

The willfully useful idiots:

  new black panther poll watching in pabill reporting ht_barack_obama_chris_christie_ll_121031_wbloghillary scary face

The Media:

candy crowley debateMSNBC-hosts-AP2011-05-20-MSNBC-Mitchellnew_york_times_logo

And so many, many more - too many to mention.

Butt in the rush to thank everyone for their little part in delivering the crown, let’s not lose site of the dance partner par excel lance most responsible for dragging Big Guy’s little arse over the finish line in the dance marathon: the indefatigable Lady M.

Credit where credit is due: the lady can dance!

mo and Perrymo milking itthevbeltdancers and Momo oh ya babeEmthonjeni_Community_Center_johannasburg[37]upandawayalg_michelle_obama_hopscotchrhubarb dance2

Linked By: Larwyn’s Linx on Doug Ross@Journal, and American Digest, and Zilla of the Resistance on twitter, and BlogsLucianneLoves, and NOBO2012 on Free Republic, Thanks!