No, silly. Not that way. That would be racist! I’m talking about the Big White Closing! Big guy said the sequester would be devastating, butt I didn’t think it would be this bad.
This is going to wreak havoc on my first quarter results.
The sequester has already had a devastating impact on our economy. And by our economy, I mean moi: my little boutique is closing too!
Technically - if you’re in DC - you can still shop until Saturday 3/9/2013 (10-5:00 PM Today & Thursday, 10-8:00 PM Friday).
Directions to the MOTUS boutique if you happen to be visiting the Big White: in my bunker at the back of the little closet behind Lady M’s dressing room off the master bedroom. Hope to see you there!
Little Mo is working on a new tunnel through the Organic Garden of Good and Evil to provide alternate access, butt until that’s done, I’ll be stuck selling through my online outlet and my downtown outlet.
If it was going to happen, this is as good a time as any. I’m holding my annual clearance and most of my inventory is already on it’s way to my downtown House of Irregulars outlet for quick sale.
I’m subletting space at the Sam Sakowitz House of Irregulars for the big sale.
I had to scrap my entire 2014 Runway Collection after Romney lost we won our first, second, historic term, so Little Mo is busy working up new collection theme:
And all this time, I thought that the biggest threat to my boutique's future was Obamacare!
So, until the heartless R-words close some loopholes and force the 1%-ers to pull their weight, there’ll be no more school groups petting Little Bo and getting Lady M’s free baggies full of carrots and celery at the reception table.
So I sure HOPE Boehner bends over before Easter Spring Egg Holiday; otherwise I have no idea what we’re going to do with all these damn eggs and butterflies.
Butt don’t worry, nobody’s job around here is in jeopardy at this point. I’ll keep Little Mo, Little Bo and the Wee Wons on the job. Like Big Guy said, “There’s a time for profits. It’s just not now.” Boy, Howdy!!!
Well, gotta’ run. Little Mo’s already got the Wee Wons clearing the shelves for transport to the clearance center. I just hope they don’t mention any of this to Lady M. You know how she feels about working for the capital pigs private sector.
Linked By: Larwyn’s Linx on Doug Ross@Journal, and kcrouch on twitter, and BlogsLucianneLoves, and Free Republic, Thanks!
Cross-Posted on Patriot Action Network