Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Missing MO Than I Expected

Man, I was so HOPE-ing I wouldn’t have to cover this, butt then creeper tipped me off to this headline from the MailOnline: President Obama had dinner with Bill and Hillary Clinton on Friday night... but where was Michelle?


My own MailOnline for cripes sakes! The source of my official yellow journalism creds! Stabbing me in the back! Spilling the beans on Lady M for skipping yet another bo-oring dinner with Bubba and Big Guy’s old secretary!

Take a breath MOTUS...Ok...I’m better now. How could they do this to me??? Now I’ve got to explain why Lady M refused to sit at the same table with was indisposed and couldn’t be bothered dine with the former President and potential monkey in her 2016 wrench. Oh-oh! I banned the “monkey” word from my blog didn’t I…oh wait! I’m officially a member of the O-regime – the rules don’t apply to moi! Whew.

Well, normally I’m pretty adept at noodling up something to cover Lady M’s a** explaining away Lady M’s dismissive and derisive lack of availability, butt short of another sick headache, I got nothing. And we just used that “sick headache” ruse to skip out on the post “Women of Courage” awards after-glow with Big Guy’s new secretary and his lovely wife Teresa.

michelleobamainternationalwomencouragenykyxc98nael  “Si vous avez besoin d'un gros bâton internationale, you know who to tweet.”

And I must say, Hills is looking way happier and about 15 years younger since she handed Big Guy’s international baton to Lurch. She doesn’t even seem to mind snuggling up to the Big Dawg.

article-2290372-18866D2C000005DC-559_634x428Left to right, proof positive that “Xanax is your friend”

Butt back to mon dilemme! I don’t have any idea how to explain Lady M’s absence. My excuse app is dry. So it’s DefCon 4, Code Red! I’m calling on you, my faithful MOLs, MODs, MYLs, MYDs and FOMs to pull my lady parts out of this hot, burning sand. Here is the list of alibis excuses reasons that Little Mo and Raj came up with for me and I need you to vote for the one that you think will get the most salutes when I run it up the flagpole.

Lady M was not able to dine with Big Guy and the Clintons because:

(NOTE: as always Chicago rules apply)

If you’ve got any other excuse I can use, PLEASE, let me have at it. I’d like to resolve this without having to deploy my secret weapon of DISTRACTION so early in our first, historic second term.

Although I think this shot of (pregnant) Kim Kardashian in her new Lou-bout-ins would do it, don’t you?

kk buttLady M can only dream of a boutee like that. Butt we’re workin’ on it!

Linked By: Larwyn’s Linx on Doug Ross@Journal, and American Digest, and BlogsLucianneLoves, and Free Republic, Thanks!

Cross-Posted on Patriot Action Network