While some continue to discuss Lady M’s fantastical Vogue cover, others have moved on to cover the content. For example, here we have 5 takeaways from Vogue’s interview with the Wons.
First Lady Michelle Obama covered Vogue for the second time in the April edition of the magazine and although admittedly the article was as much about her husband President Barack Obama as it was her, there are a handful of takeaways from the interview.
You can read the whole thing if you want, but here are the two most important “takeaways”
#4 “Michelle is no background player”
I’ll say!
Although she’s certainly got the “backfield” covered, I’d say she’s definitely more of a star quarterback.
And then, there’s this:
#5. Michelle learns just as much from Barack as she teaches him;
For example, she said she’s learned how to be patient,and calm – from Big Guy’s example!
Stay calm and catch some Z’s. Somebody will take care of that embassy fire.
“Well, patience and calm I’m borrowing,” says the First Lady. “Or trying to mirror.
Mirror, mirror on the wall…who do I love bestest of all?
“I've learned that from my husband, that sort of, you know, ability to not get too high or too low with changes and bumps in the road . . . Oftentimes, it’s the way we react to change that is the thing that determines the overall experience. So I've learned to let go and enjoy it and take it in and not take things too personally.”
Bitch! Born knowing where all the trap doors were. Butt I’m not taking it personally.
Which is sort of funny, because I think Big Guy learned “how to be patient and calm” way back at Harvard Law School. You would think that Lady M would have learned it there too. I guess it’s just like everything else for black women though: just another one of those trap doors that they hide from you.
Oh well, as long as she learned it somewhere along the way, we’re all good here. Right?
Heads up: Belated St. Patrick’s Day party tonight at the Big White. We’ll all be keeping calm.
Linked By: BlogsLucianneLoves, and Free Republic, Thanks!
Cross-Posted on Patriot Action Network