Sunday, April 21, 2013

Coming Soon to a White House Near You: Lame Duck Dynasty

duck commander

I have a special assignment for you today: It’s a must read from Clarice on our newest lame duck president, “I Know Why the Lame Ducks Squawks.”

duck dynasty coming to the white house soonWatch for the new season, beginning soon

Butt first, a little housekeeping and catch-up: It was a very messy week for the Wons. First, the bitter defeat of Big Guy’s plan to blame the Republicans for blocking common sense gun control:

bo and his common sense gun propsJoey seemed to take it hardest

joey poutsOr maybe he’s just practicing his pout for when he’s Commander in Chief

Then Islamic terrorism raised its ugly head in Boston.

mo jaw boston

and legs…


And the weather didn’t really help out much either.


Following the memorial service, Lady M conducted some uncomfortable hospital visits to victims of the bombing:

mo hospital visits

Including an unconfirmed visit to injured Saudi non-suspect student, soon to be deported as a national security risk.

saudi studentHe looks like a nice young man, why would we want to deport him?

Butt hey, it isn’t all about the Wons. Is it?

waaaah bo won't give me their guns

Now onto your assignment: Clarice’s Pieces today is a must, must read on AT. “I Know Why the Lame Ducks Squawks:”

This has not been a good week for President Obama. I think it will not be the worst week of this year or this term, which I predict will get worse as his own personality flaws and patently partisan strategies make his lame-duck term even more impotent than is usually the case.

To begin with, he bet the farm on the passage of new gun-control legislation. Albeit the vote this week in the Senate was only on amendments to the main bill -- something his Majority Leader Reid (who won his last race as the NRA choice) insisted on, though it made passage more difficult, requiring 60, not 51 votes -- all the amendments went down in flames with numbers of his own party members abandoning him. By week's end Reid had withdrawn the main bill without even bringing it to a vote.

In defiance of reality, Obama held a petulant, unpresidential press conference, ending the effort as he began it with demagogic, partisan rhetoric. ...and a threat to accomplish by executive orders what he cannot achieve by legislation.(snip)

Barack Obama is a lame duck president. Nobody listens to what he says anymore, nobody is interested in winning his approval and nobody much cares if he thinks they have "let the country down".

As they say, read the whole thing. You won’t be sorry.

It looks like we may be moving into a new phase of our national nightmare: the lame duck phase:

lame duck seal cop3by

And speaking of nightmares:

ducks worst nightmareI am a duck’s worst nightmare.

lame duck season cop2y

Shhhh! Be vewy, vewy quiet. It’s wame duck season!

Linked By: American Thinker, and Larwyn’s Linx on Doug Ross@Journal, and iOwnTheWorld’s Cardigan, and centralcal on JustOneMinute, and Andrea Shea-King, Tom Depointe and Gene Vallee on facebook, and BlogsLucianneLoves, and Free Republic, Thanks!

Cross-Posted on Patriot Action Network