Following Friday’s depressing economic report, I see Rasmussen did a new poll that says that 54% of us no longer believe that it’s possible to work hard and get rich in America. Coincidentally, 54% of us voted for Big Guy too, presumably because they believe it’s no longer possible to work hard and get rich in America.
I guess they want government to fill the gap.
Anyway, with the economics so bad that even our usual mathemagicals couldn’t give it a really good spin, it looks like Big Guy has moved on to domestic issues more pressing than JOBS! JOBS! JOBS! - common sense gun control. To that end, he traveled to Connecticut yesterday to pick up some grief stricken parents of Newtown victims. After loading (can I say that?) TOTUS with one of his trademark emotion-grabbing speeches he flew them all back to Washington on Air Force Won so they can tell Congress that they support all of Big Guy’s “common sense” proposals on gun control.
“I know that some of these proposals inspire more debate than others, but each of them has the support of the majority of the American people,” Obama said. “All of them are common sense. All of them deserve a vote.”
Here’s a short excerpt from his speechifying:
This is not about me.
This is not about politics.
It’s always about politics with you, dude
This is about doing the right thing for all the families that are here that have been torn apart by gun violence.
How about the Benghazi 4; have you forgotten about them?
It’s about them and all the families going forward, so we can prevent this from happening again....
How about Brian Terry? Have you forgotten about him? Not “walking” guns to drug cartels and sealing the borders seems like common sense too.
Every once in a while, we set politics aside, and we just do what’s right
Boy, Common Sense sure ain’t what it used to be.
Linked By: Larwyn’s Linx on Doug Ross@Journal, and BlogsLucianneLoves, and Free Republic, Thanks!
Cross-Posted on Patriot Action Network