We have no idea who the Boston Bomber is. So before anybody goes off and starts acting stupidly on their own, let me reiterate that the Saudi student who just came to America for a better life is neither a suspect or even a person of interest at this time. And according to his fellow Saudi student roommate, Mohammed Hassan Bada, “he’s sweet and kind and a good person.” Just like American Taliban fighter, John Walker Lindh.
So just because Al Qaeda’s magazine Inspire published an article on how to construct a bomb in a kitchen with a pressure cooker that’s undetectable to sniffer dogs does not mean that this was the work of a Jihadist.
Excerpt from article:
“My Muslim brother: We are conveying to you our military training right into your kitchen to relieve you of the difficulty of traveling to us,” the article states, adding that “all that you have to do is enter your kitchen and make an explosive device that would damage the enemy.”
Again, that doesn’t mean that you have to be a Jihadi in order to follow instructions.
Obot’s voting instruction manual
In fact, CNN thinks that it is more likely a Tea Party extremist (emphasis added) :
A senior U.S. counterterrorism investigator told CNN that pressure cooker bombs have also been a signature of extreme right-wing individuals in the United States who he said tend to revel in building homemade bombs.
And as the WaPo points out similar instructions were published in The Anarchist’s Cookbook back in 1971. The old Weatherman days; I’m sure you remember that Bill Ayers was a Weatherman. Butt you may have forgotten some the details about the terrorist group founded by “just some guy in the neighborhood.” Here’s a recap of that (far left wing) terrorist group that is often overlooked in the teaching of Modern History class, at least not in Bill Ayers’ class:
The Weathermen were an offshoot of the radical group Students for a Democratic America (SDS). They formed in 1969 and the main goal for their "revolution" was "the destruction of U.S. imperialism and the achievement of a classless world: World communism" and to "achieve the dictatorship of the proletariat."
They talk about Cloward and Piven and collapsing the system from within. This is very important, because that's where we are headed. People in the media will say that these people are not directly connected to the White House. But they won't ask a more important connection: Have the views from the radicals of the '60s, '70s '80s, '90s — and even more recently — changed? What was their pivot point?
These guys wanted to destroy America. What caused them to act this way?
• Jeff Jones grew up in California. His dad worked for Disney and was a pacifist and conscientious objector to the war. His beliefs were not well thought out and he was easily swept into the radical movement when he went to college in 1965
• Bernadine Dohrn grew up in Wisconsin in an upper class suburb and attended college — the time of her first-known dive into radicalism. She's known for uttering this unfortunate statement about the Charles Manson murders: "Dig it... First they killed those pigs then they ate dinner in the same room with them then they even shoved a fork into the victim's stomach. Wild!"
Dorhn, now a respected member of society, says she was "lucky they didn't kill anyone." Apparently she doesn't consider Ted Gold, Terry Robbins and Ayers' girlfriend, Diana Oughton
"people" because they did die in a premature explosion of some bombs they were making in 1970. Dohrn was also an FBI 10 most-wanted fugitive from 1970 to 1973.• Bill Ayers grew up in the upper-middle class suburbs of Illinois. His dad was CEO of a giant utility company, Commonwealth Edison. He attended an exclusive prep school — maybe that's why he uses such fancy language — but says he "hated every minute there" and liked the "free thought" he found at the University of Michigan. Ayers was key in turning towards militancy. He now says about the bombings that he doesn't "have anything to apologize for. I wish we had done more"
In 1969 they bombed The Haymarket police statue; they bombed several Chicago police cars parked in a precinct parking lot. Then they decide to go underground. In 1970, they were suspected of a bombing at the San Francisco Police Department. It was about that time that the three Weather Underground members were killed when the bomb they were preparing for Fort Dix went off.
Ayers ran from the law and went deep underground. It was during that time he married Bernadine Dohrn. But the bombings continued: The National Guard Association building in D.C.; an NYPD headquarters. And let's not forget the 1981 armored truck robbery which they stole $1.6 million and eventually led to a shootout with police, leaving two police officers and one Brinks guard dead and wounding several others.
Their most notorious bombings were:
• March 1, 1971: The United States Capitol in "protest of the U.S. invasion of Laos"
• May 19, 1972 (Ho Chi Minh's birthday): The Pentagon in "retaliation for the U.S. bombing raid in Hanoi"
• January 29, 1975: The bombing of the United States Department of State Building in "response to escalation in Vietnam"
If there is a turning point in any of these people, I haven't heard it. And it matters. Why? Just look where they are now. These violent radicals aren't just washing cars. We've flipped places. The Man is now the activist and the activist is now The Man:
• Jeff Jones has his own consulting firm that helps "progressive groups achieve their goals." He's on the board of Movement for a Democratic Society, working closely with SDS (which is growing the new Weathermen and Weather Underground — now available possibly in your child's high schools now) and he's a member of the Apollo Alliance. They, with funding from Tides, helped write the stimulus package. Unconstitutional, sure, but Jeff Jones helps decide where your tax money through the stimulus is going
• In 1997, Bill Ayers won citizen of the year award for his work on the Chicago Annenberg Challenge project. He's a professor at the University of Chicago. He served on the board with President Obama at the Woods Foundation. They were neighbors and Obama attended a campaign event at his house. He's now a respected and influential member of society
• Bernadine Dohrn, married to Bill Ayers, she is now associate professor of law at Northwestern University School of Law and was director of Northwestern's Children and Family Justice Center. Teaching kids — that's great. Dohrn (and Ayers) played a key role in organizing Free Gaza Movement, which launched the flotilla whose crew attacked Israeli soldiers who boarded, stabbing them violently and even throwing one over the deck
By the way, they have two adult children and have legal guardianship of Chesa Boudin, son of Kathy Boudin and David Gilbert. Boudin and Gilbert were also former Weather Underground members. Kathy was convicted in 1984 of felony murder for her participation in an armed robbery that resulted in the killing of three people. She later became a public health expert while in prison. She was released from prison in 2003. David Gilbert is still in prison, serving 75 years to life.
So as you see, you can never be certain exactly who your enemies are.
Bill “Boom-Boom” Ayers: “a really good boy”
Terrorist Bernardine (I can’t call her “Boom-Boom” - that would be sexist) Dohrn
Alternatively, if you prefer your history reinvented, here’s the PBS version:
Bill Ayers: Being almost 60, it’s impossible to not have lots and lots of regrets about lots and lots of things, but the question of did we do something that was horrendous, awful?… I don’t think so…We didn’t cross lines that were completely unacceptable. I don’t think so. We destroyed property in a fairly restrained level, given what we were up against.
His now-wife expressed similar non-regrets over their actions:
Bernardine Dohrn: I wish that we hadn’t been hierarchical, and had a concept of leadership. I wish that I had bridged the feminist movement and the anti-war movement better than I did. I wish that we hadn’t used the language of war. You heard me saying a declaration of war. I wish we had used the language of resistance.
So you see? As I said, you can never be certain exactly who your real enemy is.
So let’s not jump to conclusions until we can rule out everyone other than the Tea Party Extremists.
This guy looks like one of the “usual suspects” (h/t: Captain Louis Renault)
Linked By: Museum Twenty on twitter, and BlogsLucianneLoves, and Free Republic, Thanks!
Cross-Posted on Patriot Action Network