Monday, April 15, 2013

I don’t always pay my fair share…

I did tell you, didn’t I, that the Spring Garden Tours were given a stay of execution?

Tours of the White House itself remained canceled because the cuts have left Secret Service short on manpower to staff them. But there will be enough agents to staff the garden tours, the official said.

garden tours of white house 2013Beautiful spring day, and the lines were long

Yes, despite being sequestered in round one of the Big White’s Sequester Gesture along with the Big White tours for little children, we reinstated the garden tours when somebody pointed out that we didn’t really need extra Secret Service personnel for the self-guided tours.

Especially since nobody was home.

Big Guy was busy playing golf,


bo sandtrap not playing this course again

and shooting hoops with Reggie (both away games)


Lady M and the Wee Won’s were busy lunching and planning their next vacation.

Anyway, if anyone wanted a guided tour we found a cheap Sequester replacement:

whitehouse duckiesThis year we enlisted the Big White mallards to give the tours

As usual, Lady M’s Kitchen Garden was the biggest attraction:

breadsproutsHere is where Lady M grows her loaves of healthy whole wheat bread

Oh, and I thought you’d enjoy this old shot (can I say that?) from my hard drive:

george h bush millie and the puppiesPresident George Herbert Walker Bush with First Dog Millie and her pups

And speaking of George Bush and pups reminds me: great news! GWB is a grandfather and GHWB is a great-grandfather! Meet Margaret Laura, aka Mila: (h/t ImNoDhimmi)


Here are the proud grandparents:


And here’s the whole family:

article-2309342-194E4FF2000005DC-153_634x439Doesn’t Jenna look just like her lovely mother, now that she’s a mom herself?

Anyway, I hope you didn’t miss the Garden Tours, biggest doin’s at the Big White since the Memphis Soul Review. Too bad nobody was home to receive the guests.

Butt don’t worry, the Organic Garden of Good and Evil, the Big White, and the country, were all in good hands. Big Guy had his stunt double standing in for him:

Kid President and Little Bo“Kid President” and Little Bo were in the house.

As I’ve always said, if you can’t do competence, at least do cute. And we’ve definitely got cute down pat.

Sometimes it’s best to just stick with the dog


Screenshot Studio capture #1041Too cute, by half, actually.

Now let’s all get out there and pay our fair share!

pay moreIf you like your fair share, you can keep your fair share. Until we need more. And as you know, we always need more.

Linked By: BlogsLucianneLoves, and Free Republic, Thanks!

Cross-Posted on Patriot Action Network