The Wons took a little break from Scandals ‘R Us to visit ground zero of the future of the Democratic party: schools.
Lady M went to college to get a new law degree (in case she needs one again someday).
“I’d like to thank the Academy for this great honor; all my great fans – without all you little people I wouldn’t be here today!”
…and Big Guy went to elementary school where he quizzed future Democrats on basic math skills:
“If I give you 1 community organizer, 2 banks and 3 grocery stores, how much money can you shakedown for Acorn?”
And he consoled a youngster who was having a little trouble calculating 2 minus 1 by telling her that “subtraction is tougher than addition.” Not that addition is all that easy in the Age of Obama either:
It’s just that addition is more important than subtraction in the Age of Obama budgeting, as we don’t ever really take anything away from anybody anyhow.
“Tax Increases” equals “addition” – for those of you educated in public schools.
I’ll provide a complete tutorial on the importance of addition and the irrelevance of subtraction in the Age of Obama math at a later date.
“Don’t worry, honey, if you keep up the good work, you, too, can grow up to be president some day. Or at least a high level IRS official.”
Besides, I think we’re going to stop teaching math in public school altogether pretty soon.
Linked By: AnnieLaurie and MuseumTwenty on twitter, and Rokee Andrew, Linda Bolen Blackmore and Kimberly S. Hager on facebook, and BlogsLucianneLoves, and Free Republic, Thanks!
Cross-Posted on Patriot Action Network