We’re hoping everyone has forgotten about this so-called Scandalanche® (like an Instalanche, only smellier) over the long weekend holiday.
Things have gotten so out of control that we had to cancel our usual plans to visit friends in Chicago in order to attend the ceremony at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier ourselves this year.
Big Guy gets a boutonniere sized to match his ego: For me? You really shouldn’t have.
While people across America spent the long weekend remembering our fallen heroes, disconnected from their personal electronic devices, resting up and roasting wieners, Big Guy was busy HOPING that you’ll forget about all those so-called scandals swirling around.
If not, we’ll just have to relegate them to one of our Big Government approved recycling dustbins of history: “sideshows,” “distractions,” “political circuses,” or – my personal favorite - “bumps in the road.”
Then we’ll just let everything work it’s way out through the media cross-hairs as it always has in the past.
Don’t worry, we will survive this Scandalanche® too. Especially since we now have “a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded” as our military at our disposal.
So - now do you finally understand what we need those 1.6 billion bullets for?
If this Scandalanche® trend continues we’re going to need every round we (legally) purchased to properly defend ourselves against our enemies.
Proud Member since 2008
Linked By: Larwyn’s Linx on Doug Ross@Journal, and Clarice Feldman, and Jerry R. Barton Sr., Mireille Buser, Leslie Cyr on facebook, and
BlogsLucianneLoves, and Free Republic, Thanks!
Cross-Posted on Patriot Action Network