Saturday, August 31, 2013

What could you do with pastry sprinkles, dill pickles, shower curtains, honeycomb and $2700?

I see I’ve been remiss in keeping you up-to-date with the fashion news. In particular I note that I gave short shrift to Lady M’s new 'do, and completely failed to note the lovely frock she was wearing at the official unveiling.

1377722038_michelle-obama-articleHighlights and lowlights

It was at the screening of "The Powerbroker: Whitney Young's Fight for Civil Rights" last week and MO wore a show stopping, lens challenging offering from Duro Olowu.

Although the media declared the screening, part of the “MLK had a dream” week, to be the official debut of the highlights, they were previously on display at the U.S. Open, where Lady M also sported a Duro multi-print table cloth shirt:

Screenshot Studio capture #1318Can you identify the one on steroids? Hint, it’s the one that looks like a tranny. Oh, sorry, that doesn’t help does it?

Nigerian-born Duro Olowu is a lawyer turned-designer, based in London. And you can see why Duro is one of MO’s favorite designers; just like her, after getting his law degree Duro decided to go in a whole different direction, so he no longer has any use for his law license either.

Screenshot Studio capture #1317Unique in both pattern and shape, ideal for Lady M’s fashion sensibilities

If you can’t see the highlights in this picture (in Lady M’s hair I mean) don’t worry, that’s the camera’s fault: too many details to focus on. Why, the shoes alone demand your undivided attention; you just don’t see orange and purple ankle straps that often anymore. And the matching grape pedicure is just a bonus.

Screenshot Studio capture #1313

Duro is known for using African patterns and colors in unique ways to create elegant and bold fashion statements. Just the ticket for Lady M’s eclectic, cosmopolitan taste – English cabbage roses with African batik! Beautiful!

Screenshot Studio capture #1314

This is the prototype of the MLK week celebration frock, along side the  one-of-a-kind offering with Lady M’s customized touches:

Screenshot Studio capture #1320Duro’s famous “Roselda” dress, starts at a reasonable $2700

You may recognize some of Duro’s famous patterns and colors on clothes sported by our FLOTUS in the past. Here are some of his contributions to MO’s wardrobe, in no particular order:

untitledI know you recognize the clown dress on the left, the red and pink ensemble was, appropriately, at a reading of a Dr. Seuss book.

151964670On the campaign trail

Screenshot Studio capture #1315Leaving Chicago, Memorial Day, 2010; Duro top, nobody has claimed credit for the trousers

Screenshot Studio capture #1316African Safari trip, 2011

And finally, two more Duro designs, worn during the infamous midlife crisis bang phase:

Screenshot Studio capture #1319

So what have we learned today boys and girls? We’ve learned that fashion, like art, is very much in the eye of the beholder.

mickey pants“New wave,” “fashion forward,” whatever.

calvinandhobbes_smock“Frock,” “smock” – what difference, at this point does it make?

So Lady M will be breaking out her new fall fashions soon, when she takes to the road to cram lecture sell explain to the cool college kids how cool Obamacare is and why they need to get it. Until then, please don’t take your eyes off the officially White House sanctioned and MSM designated squirrel of the moment.

AjuCskoCMAAsQqXLook mom! I can fly! And I’m going to Syria!

If you do, your gaze may be redirected to one of those phony scandals which could turn you into a blind, hate-filled racist. And that is definitely not cool.


Linked By: American Digest, and iOwnTheWorld’s Cardigan, and Larwyn’s Linx on Doug Ross@Journal, and @llsmith2449, @ValCSilver on twitter, and Michael Osborne, Larry Wallenmeyer, Charles Dempsey Brown, Abby L Call, Barbara Haney on facebook, and BlogsLucianneLoves, and NOBO2012 on Free Republic, Thanks!

Cross-Posted on Patriot Action Network