Sunday, December 22, 2013

A Duck the Halls Sing-along and Annual Christmas Recipe Exchange Day

The day we’ve all been waiting for: Christmas Recipe Exchange!

Today’s the day to post recipes and/or pictures of your favorite holiday dishes and/or your cutest Christmas sweets and treats.

These little guys were a perennial favorite, prior to the demise of the iconic Hostess Company in post-Obama America. Butt good news! Since their major component has now been rebooted and retooled by new owners, it is once again available for construction purposes. So I’m  re-posting these adorable little guys, the Christmas Ho Ho Penguins:

Chrismtas edible crafts, kids crafts, holiday chocolate treats, penguin snack cakes, Ho Ho penguins, Swiss Roll penguins

Yes! That’s right; not only are the Hostess Ho Hos back, butt they’re gayer than ever! Which makes them more festive, right?

Screenshot Studio capture #1598

And since their half-life, along with Twinkies, has been expanded up too 6 decades, these little treats can become family heirlooms. Anyhoo, to assemble these babies you just need a box of Ho Hos and a few other indestructible construction materials:

how to make a penguin using a Swiss Roll snack cake, Hostess Ho Ho penguins, edible crafts, holiday crafts for kids, Christmas craft ideas copy  Hungry Happenings provides more detailed techniques, if required, butt suffice it to say the Tootsie Rolls need a bit of warming in the microwave.

And while not technically a Christmas treat, these cute little sheeple may serve as stand-ins for sheep in your crèche if the rest of your flock has mysteriously disappeared, as they often do when the shepherds lose track of their flock .

cute white sheep

Please note that these sheeple come in politically correct black and white versions,


as well as everything in between:

sheeple cupcakes

So let’s get cooking MOLs, MODs, and FOM! Christmas is right around the corner. And don’t worry if you don’t have time today, in all likelihood, we’ll be continuing this wonderful holiday tradition tomorrow as MOTUS may well be busy wrapping up shopping and her presents.

396-114-ducks-smallAn old fashioned “Duck the Halls” sing-along: Quack.


Linked By: Victory Girls, and snark on Godlike Productions, and Abby L Call, Sandy Peterson, Candace Crider, Teala Sindt Sipes, Bob Thieman on facebook, and BlogsLucianneLoves, and NOBO2012 on Free Republic, Thanks!

Cross-Posted on Patriot Action Network