Well, now we know why the “the popular spring vacation season” Easter Egg Spring Sphere Roll was snatched out of the jaws of the Sequester Jester: we needed yet another photo op to highlight the tragedy of people getting “some automatic weapons they didn't need."
Hadiya’s parents with Lady M at the SOTU address
So Lady M is honoring Chicago gun violence victim, Hadiya Pendleton, by inviting her parents to the annual photo op eggroll on the South Lawn, and Senator Dick Durbin is honoring her by writing a new gun bill:
Senator Dick Durbin named his most recent gun bill after Pendleton and is confident it will pass.
The Stop Illegal Trafficking in Firearms Act of 2013, a section of which is named after Pendleton, would call for sentences of 15 to 25 years for straw purchases. It also would create the first federal statute that specifically criminalizes firearm trafficking.
Well, day-um! We’re finally going to prosecute the Fast and Furious crew!??!