It was the day the earth stood still.
Or at least Boston:
Boston in lockdown
Can you even believe it? A whole AMERICAN city shutdown for a one-man manhunt? Heck, New York didn’t completely close up shop even after 9/11. Butt that was back at the turn of the century, before everyone was convinced that we could no longer take care of ourselves. You know, back when your children were still your responsibility?
Butt back to Boston: after a day long “shelter in place” order was lifted, we have a man - who stepped out of the house for a smoke - to thank for the capture of dirtbag #2. I probably would have just called the cops when I saw blood on the boat cover, butt being a Marlboro Man, the homeowner went and got his step ladder, climbed up, pulled the tarp back and confirmed there was a non-responsive man bleeding in his boat. He’s lucky JoKar was dozing off due to loss of blood, or he’d probably be dead. Massachusetts being a no-gun state and all, he was armed only with a rake.
And how about the rest of you Watertown residents: would you have felt better during yesterday’s mandatory lockdown if you’d had a gun at the ready, locked and loaded? Yes? Then maybe you should rethink the people you elected. The ones who took that constitutional right away from you. I’m not looking to cause trouble here, I’m just pointing out that no matter how good the police are – and they are usually excellent – they can’t be everywhere at all times to protect you and yours from evil doers. For example, they weren’t on Franklin Street in Watertown yesterday evening when the Marlboro Man found the perp in his boat.
In light of the fact that “all terrorism is connected.” (h/t Clarice) and it appears that “the Amalgamated Union of Lone Wolf Terrorists,” as Mark Steyn calls them, is growing by leaps and bounds., the police might need some help. And better us than Big Guy’s “civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded” as the military.

Especially after seeing how Obamacare is shaping up, I don’t think we can afford that new militia; in more ways than one.