Now that the dust has cleared from the Fab Fifty Fest we can get down to more serious matters. Specifically, eyebrows. I know there has been much interest expressed in how, exactly, Lady M revitamized her eyebrows so dramatically. Tattoos? Asian caterpillars?
You may not be aware of the vast number of options available for this distressing problem. Let’s explore a few of them, shall we?
First there are SmartBrows, which, seem a natural for a woman of Lady M’s educational pedigree:
Part of what makes them so “smart” is the informational brochure that comes with them, identifying exactly why you need them in the first place. I don’t have room for the entire instructive tutorial (you can study the whole thing here when you have time) butt here are a few excerpts:
Did you know that thinning eyebrows are one of the very first—and most easily quantifiable—visible signs of aging?
The truth is, crow's feet—along with fine lines, wrinkles and dark spots, while we're on the topic—have created a tremendous moneymaking opportunity for the beauty industry. Sadly, though, there's no long-term solution for these concerns…On the other hand, voluptuous, well-shaped brows make an immediate difference in your perceived age. If such a thing as an anti-aging miracle exists, it's a brow makeover.
Wow! It’s like they’re talking directly to Lady M! Her lovely, luxurious brows have, over the years, more or less gone missing.
More help from the SmartBrows tutorial:
Eyebrows are one of the most defining features a person has. They frame the face,
convey emotion,
and, when shaped properly, make the eyes look brighter and the cheekbones more defined.
Speaking in terms of physical features, nothing—other than a full head of hair, perhaps—is more integral in one's youthful good looks than a great set of eyebrows.
In the 1990s, it was all about "permanent makeup" (e.g., getting brows tattooed on)... but we all know how natural and appealing that looks.
Nowadays, there are brow implants, which work somewhat like hair plugs. More natural-looking than the spoils of a visit to the tattoo parlor? Most definitely. Less extreme? Not so much.
Boy! I’ll say! Just ask Anna Pursglove. She sure had an extreme makeover.
Somehow the eyebrows don’t strike me as Anna’s most crucial hair issue.
It’s really too bad that Anna didn’t know about the amazing new SmartBrow:
There's also an under-the-radar product called SmartBrow, which, as its name suggests, is an innovative way to get better brows. What sets it apart from pencils and powders is its unique formulation, which leverages polymers and binds microscopic hair-like fibers to your existing brows as well as fills in any thinning or sparse spots.
Wow! “Leverages polymers and binds microscopic hair-like fibers to your brows,” really!"? And they “will stay put all day?” For only $29.95 (on sale now) that sounds like a bargain.
If it were me though, I’d have gone the MicroArt™ Semi-Permanent Eyebrows route:
They last up to 3 years! Now that’s what I call good value. And not as itchy as some of the other options.
Although, the fullness of your brows may not make that much of a difference for those suffering with BRF syndrome.
For those afflicted with BRF, the best solution remains a good vacation and a trusty pair of shades:
Preferably on someone else’s dime
Or, the youthful, carefree look of bangs:
Although with bangs you need to keep in mind that as the evening wears on, you may need to do a bit of extra grooming:
So, today’s takeaway: if you suffer from thinning hair associated with normal aging, there are now multiple options available, at different price points, so it all depends on “what’s in your wallet?
You should explore all options before deciding because while hair plugs may be the obvious solution, it may not be the best answer.
Linked By: Larwyn’s Linx on Doug Ross@Journal, and @Standlow on twitter, and Abby L Call on facebook, and BlogsLucianneLoves, and NOBO2012 on Free Republic, Thanks!
Cross-Posted on Patriot Action Network