“Passion?”...“Passion?” Did we not discuss the passion of the Won just last week??? Ok…you need more evidence...
Now that’s passion! (h/t Injainjuneers)
Big Guy! Not the creepy blonde yute!
That’s passion for Obamacare! Not…you know. I don’t know what’s up with the blonde dude, butt I, for won, am glaad the joint is filled with SS Stormtroopers!
Big Guy was having “The Talk” with some “young citizens” at The Coupe in D.C. while Lady M, uh...continues the Hawaiian gal pal retreat that you gave her for her birthday. This young lady explains how Obamacare lifted the financial burden of birth control devices from her bottom line:
“Once I hit my $4000 deductible, $50 co-pay and $300 co-insurance they’re free!”
Demonstrating his trademark inclusiveness, Big Guy pointed out that Obamacare is not just for girls, butt is also essential for boys: “I know you guys think you’re, uhhh, invincible, butt you’re not. And you’re gonna’ need some kinda’ health care too.”
“You look like you could use a prostate exam”
Reporting on the road from the Heartland, with intermittent 4g, this is MOTUS.
Linked By: Larwyn’s Linx on Doug Ross@Journal, and @2oldCrabs on twitter, and Joel Quinn, Abby L Call, Scott Wayt on facebook, and BlogsLucianneLoves, and NOBO2012 on Free Republic, Thanks!
Cross-Posted on Patriot Action Network