Yesterday we got the first inkling that Calvin’s initial brush with the reality of Obamacare was less than amazing. Today I bring you…THE REST OF THE STORY.
It all began when Calvin was sucked in by the promise of a free Obamacare beanie: a propeller driven model that would make him fly. All he had to do was eat his peas:
Of course, since Calvin wanted the Obamacare beanie very badly, he needed everyone else to pitch in as well; you know - everyone needs to get a fair shot at giving their fair share:
Butt Calvin never once stopped dreaming about how wonderful it would be once he got his very own Obamacare beanie. He’d be able to fly!
After waiting for weeks, Calvin’s Obamacare beanie was finally delivered. Only…well, it wasn’t quite operational upon arrival:
Calvin rejected his friend Hobbes’ offer to help because Hobbes is a card carrying member of the Tea Party and everybody knows how dumb they are. Unfortunately Calvin ended up botching it up.
After realizing that the central mechanism of his new Obamacare beanie was broken and his dream of flight was thwarted he reacted like any normal 6 year old would: he blamed Hobbes – that Teahadist.
When Calvin realized what a shambles his Obamacare beanie was in, he was forced to call in a consultant:
Calvin was ecstatic! That is, until he took his Obamacare beanie out for a test drive and discovered it had certain shortcomings; it seems it’s utility had been a bit…uh, oversold.
And slowly, definitively, the dreadful truth began to sink in: the Obamacare beanie doesn’t fly. It was never intended to fly. It’s never going to fly. It might have been sold as a magic flying beanie, butt in reality it’s just another alternative energy scam.
Butt hey - we’ve still got all the great packaging our Obamacare beanie came wrapped in. Boy! It will be some fun trying to find our way through the maze of that swell new bureaucracy!
Linked By: BadBlue, and @ZillaStevenson, @IndMedia, @MuseumTwenty, @dchrist81 on twitter, and BlogsLucianneLoves, and NOBO2012 on Free Republic, Thanks!
Cross-Posted on Patriot Action Network