President Barry-heard-it-through-the-grapevine-Obama presented the Congressional Medal of Honor to Staff Sgt. Ryan M. Pitts on Wednesday. In doing so, he also provided him with some sage marriage advice:
Ha ha ha! That’s high-larious!
“You should try. I’m just saying, don’t rest on your laurels after just two years.”
Good advice, for sure, Mr. President.
Lady M, who was too busy to attend the ceremony in person, had some marriage advice for him as well:
“That’s right, I said drink up.”
Not that Staff Sgt. Ryan M. Pitts needs any advice from this regime administration; in fact, he could probably give them some.
Ryan Pitts’ wife and son, with Barry, guarding the family jewels.
Linked By: Larwyn’s Linx on Doug Ross@Journal, and @Standlow, @ValCSilver on twitter, Thanks!