Our losing streak, as discussed yesterday, continues:
A new Gallup poll shows that the percentage of Americans who are satisfied with their freedom to choose what they do with their lives has dropped from 91 percent in 2006 to 79 percent in 2013.
Even Uzbekistan beat us by 12%!
Gallup suggests that the decline in perceived freedom may be due to the continued sluggish rebound of the U.S. economy (!?). Alternatively, they speculate that it might be due to an increasing belief that there is widespread corruption throughout the government. Do you think?
GSA: secret bonuses of $44 million, prizes for employee rap videos celebrating big spending, and $30K for drumsticks so the agency can learn how to “teambuild.”
ATF: the Director’s Orwellian “No whistle-blowing allowed here!” directive, following the whistle blowing revelation of the long dead Gun Walking phony scandal.
SEC: the phony porn scandal which may or may not have been a political payback
IRS: stay tuned –
From up here, where the air is rarified, I choose to plead the Fifth, butt I did nothing wrong by my own standards.
there’s lots more!
It would seem that all these polls as of late are simply bogus. There’s simply no evidence to support the claim that Americans feel their freedom is slipping away.
Freedom: it’s a generational thing.
Hope you’re the right generation.
Linked By: Larwyn’s Linx on Doug Ross@Journal, and @batfreight, @MStuart1970, @Standlow, @MuseumTwenty, @ValCSilver, @GingerMarple on twitter, and BlogsLucianneLoves, and Free Republic, Thanks!
Cross-Posted on Patriot Action Network