Believe me, I appreciate the fact that you adhere to my “no simian references” rule when commenting. I especially appreciate the restraint that is required when dealing with situations that some might take to be flagrant “taunting.” Take yesterday, for example; when BO was hanging with Governor Hickenlooper and just whistling Dixie past all the grave yards:
As you can see, creeper managed to rein herself in, adhering to the letter of the law if not the intent.
Butt apparently somebody didn’t get the memo:
Maybe because he was busy, drinking with the white boy. And please, no racist “Hickenlooper” jokes either.
Oh well, it’s clearly not the first memo BO didn’t get: (h/t dchrist81)
UPDATE: BHO reports he didn’t visit the border in Texas yesterday because:
“I’m not interested in photo-ops.” – Barack Hussein Obama July 9, 2014
BO and John Hickenlooper, doing an ad for Wynkoop Brewing Company (founded by John Hickenlooper) July 9, 2014
Ads? Now that’s another story.
Linked By: @Standlow, @FarNorthDallasT, @tsickles321, @NLM4Life, @BobBelvedere, @Conservatexian on twitter, and BlogsLucianneLoves, and Free Republic, Thanks!
Cross-Posted on Patriot Action Network