Boy, go away for a few days and all hell breaks loose:
- Black Muslims start whacking heads off – in Oklaloma!?!
- Riots breakout when people demand a return of justice and democracy – no not in Ferguson; in Hong Kong!
- While Major League Baseball lined up this year’s playoffs, CBS is still playing minor league with it’s sixth consecutive softball interview of Big Guy,
and Big Guy himself is playing bush (with a little b – is that racist?) league ball by blaming everyone butt the dog walker for the mess in the Middle East with ISIS and the mess in Africa with Ebola:
Well, at least some things didn’t change while I was gone.
I’d like to take this opportunity to thank Little Mo for filling in for me while I was off doing, as he put it, “girly things.” BTW, here’s how my Ninja manicure turned out:
I know: they look more like like burka hostages than ninjas. At least they’re removable; I’m glad I didn’t go for the ninja tattoo.
Anyway, thanks Little Mo! Everybody loves you!
You did an excellent job at the news desk in my absence so I made these cupcakes for you as a thank you. Pretend that’s real dirt and I think you’ll enjoy them.
Oh, and I’ll restock the root cellar for you too.
Just don’t tell Lady M. You know how she loves her roots.
And I’m pretty sure I don’t have to remind you of what happened when you got into a faceoff with Lady M a few years back over who was going to get to keep the fennel bulb.
So let’s be careful out there people: the world is a very dangerous place. And getting more so.
Linked By: Larwyn’s Linx on Doug Ross@Journal, and BlogsLucianneLoves, and Free Republic, Thanks!
Cross-Posted on Patriot Action Network